Translation of "Orchard" in Spanish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Orchard" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

They robbed my orchard.

Ellos robaron mi huerto.

They stole apples from my orchard.

Él robó manzanas de mi huerto de frutas.

How many trees are in your orchard?

¿Cuántos árboles hay en tu huerto?

I caught him stealing pears in the orchard.

Lo descubrí cuando estaba robando peras en el huerto.

- How many apple trees do you have in your orchard?
- How many apple trees are there in your orchard?

¿Cuántos manzanos hay en vuestro huerto?

The farmer caught the boy stealing the apples in his orchard.

El granjero cazó al chico robando manzanas de su huerto.

And they invited me to create a project that we're calling the "Open Orchard"

Me invitaron a crear un proyecto al que llamamos "el Huerto Público",

He cleansed the fountains, that the water might be clear and pure; carried the manure out of the yard for fear lest the smell might prove offensive; and trimmed his orchard that it might appear in all its beauty.

Limpió las fuentes, para que el agua fuese clara y pura; sacó el estiércol del jardín por temor a que el olor fuera ofensivo; y arregló su huerto para que apareciese en toda su belleza.