Translation of "Robbed" in Spanish

0.016 sec.

Examples of using "Robbed" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

We got robbed.

- Fuimos robados.
- Nos robaron.

We were robbed.

Fuimos robados.

Tom was robbed.

Tom fue robado.

You've been robbed.

Te robaron.

Tom got robbed.

Tom fue robado.

Sami was robbed.

Robaron a Sami.

- I've been robbed.
- I got robbed.
- I got mugged.

He sido robado.

They robbed my orchard.

Ellos robaron mi huerto.

A drunk robbed me.

Un borracho me robó.

He robbed me blind.

Él me robó impunemente.

She robbed me blind.

Ella me robó con impunidad.

They robbed me blind.

Ellos me robaron impunemente.

Did you get robbed?

¿Fuiste robado?

Tom robbed a bank.

Tom asaltó a un banco.

I almost got robbed.

Casi fui robado.

He robbed an old lady.

Él le robó a una anciana.

Tom was beaten and robbed.

A Tom le pegaron y le robaron.

The bank was robbed yesterday.

El banco fue robado anoche.

The man robbed her bag.

El hombre le robó su bolso.

He robbed me of my bag.

Él me robó el bolso.

The supermarket was robbed four times.

El supermercado fue asaltado cuatro veces.

He robbed me of my purse.

- Me robó la cartera.
- Se robó mi cartera.

The man robbed her of her bag.

El hombre le robó su bolsa.

The man robbed me of my purse.

El hombre me robó la cartera.

He was robbed of all his money.

Le robaron todo su dinero.

He robbed me of my new watch.

- Él me robó mi nuevo reloj.
- Me robó mi reloj nuevo.

The accident robbed him of his sight.

El accidente le privó de la vista.

And is actually robbed of its original function.

y en realidad se le roba su función original.

Our house was robbed while we were away.

Robaron nuestra casa mientras estábamos fuera.

The man robbed Susan of all her money.

El hombre le robó a Susan todo su dinero.

The airplane has robbed travel of its poetry.

El aeroplano ha despojado de su poesía al viaje.

She was robbed of her jewels last night.

Anoche le robaron sus joyas.

They robbed the man of all his belongings.

Le robaron al hombre todas sus pertenencias.

The police suspect that he robbed the bank.

La policía sospecha que él robó el banco.

They robbed the jewelry store during the night.

Asaltaron la joyería durante la noche.

Tom robbed me of every penny I had.

Tom me robó todo y cada uno de los centavos que yo tenía.

He soon realised that he had been robbed.

Pronto se dio cuenta de que le habían robado.

I have been robbed of my cellphone twice.

Me han robado el móvil dos veces ya.

The man robbed him of all his money.

El hombre le robó todo su dinero.

Tom was robbed while walking late at night.

A Tom lo asaltaron mientras paseaba tarde entrada la noche.

I was attacked and robbed on my way home.

Me atacaron y robaron de camino a casa.

A group of teenagers robbed me of my money.

Una pandilla de adolescentes me robó el dinero.

The thieves dug a tunnel and robbed the bank.

Los bandidos hicieron un túnel y robaron el banco.

I was robbed of no more than 1,000 yen.

No me robaron más de 1.000 yenes.

He was robbed when coming home late at night.

Le robaron de madrugada cuando venía a casa.

The poor old woman was robbed of her money.

A la pobre mujer mayor le robaron el dinero.

DAN MITRIONE MURDERED TODAY They took cities, robbed arsenals, banks...

y agentes extranjeros. Ocupaban ciudades, asaltaban arsenales,

A gang of three robbed the bank in broad daylight.

- Una banda de tres robó el banco en pleno día.
- Una banda de tres asaltó el banco a plena luz del día.

She was robbed of her money on her way home.

Le robaron el su dinero de camino de vuelta a casa.

They put a knife to my throat and robbed me.

Me pusieron un cuchillo en la garganta y me robaron.

- He robbed me of my purse.
- He stole my wallet.

Se robó mi cartera.

The gang knocked him down and robbed him of his watch.

Esos tíos le tiraron al suelo y le robaron el reloj.

The savage robbed me of my precious jewels and ran away.

El salvaje me robó mis preciosas joyas y se escapó.

Masked men held up the passengers and robbed them of their money.

Hombres enmascarados atacaron y asaltaron a los pasajeros.

She was robbed of the handbag that she had bought last week.

A ella le robaron el bolso que había comprado la semana pasada.

- The man robbed me of my purse.
- The man stole my wallet.

El hombre me robó la cartera.

My sister was robbed of her bag on her way home last night.

A mi hermana le robaron el bolso cuando volvía a casa anoche.

They broke the padlock and robbed all of the tools from the farm.

Le rompieron el candado y le robaron todos los aperos de la huerta.

[Lyrics] Don't come 'round here no more, you could get robbed for real

♪ No vuelvas aquí nunca más, pueden robarte de verdad. ♪

- Tom stole all of Mary's money.
- Tom robbed Mary of all her money.

Tom le robó todo su dinero a Mary.

- The accident deprived him of his sight.
- The accident robbed him of his sight.

El accidente le privó de la vista.

His death robbed Napoleon of a dependable commander, and one of his last remaining friends.

Su muerte le robó a Napoleón un comandante confiable y uno de los últimos amigos que le quedaban.

- The man robbed him of all his money.
- That man stole all of his money.

El hombre le robó todo su dinero.

He was robbed, and spent days in agony in a filthy hospital – an episode that may

Le robaron y pasó días agonizando en un asqueroso hospital, un episodio que puede

Virgilius went to court, and demanded justice from the emperor against the men who had robbed him.

Vigilio fue a juicio y demandó justicia al emperador frente aquellos que le habían robado.

[reporter] The Tupamaro National Liberation Movement went from being a romantic urban guerrilla that robbed the rich to give the poor,

[locutor] El Movimiento de Liberación Nacional Tupamaros pasó de ser una romántica guerrilla urbana que robaba a los ricos para repartir a los pobres

I bought an autographed collected edition of the works of Tom Miller for a laughable two hundred euros at a flea market. Oh, I robbed that clueless seller! I should confess in church!

Compré una edición autografiada de las obras de Tom Miller por un irrisorio precio de doscientos euros en un mercadillo. ¡Ah, robé a ese vendedor desorientado! ¡Debo confesarme en la iglesia!