Translation of "Nicknamed" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Nicknamed" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

He was nicknamed "The Potato King."

Lo nombraron "el rey de la papa".

John, the tallest boy in our class, is nicknamed "Mr High".

A John, el chico más alto de nuestra clase, le llamamos "Don Alto".

Nicknamed "Bahadur", meaning "the Valiant", Subotai reaches the Hungarian and Polish border

Apodado "Bahadur", que significa "el valiente", Subotai llega a la frontera húngara y polaca

And beyond. They spent so much time together,  Berthier was nicknamed ‘Napoleon’s wife.’

y más allá. Pasaron tanto tiempo juntos que Berthier fue apodada 'la esposa de Napoleón'.

Fellow officers nicknamed Ney ‘the Indefatigable’… his men preferred ‘le Rougeaud’, the ruddy,

Los compañeros oficiales apodaron a Ney 'el infatigable' ... sus hombres preferían 'le Rougeaud', el rubicundo

The British nicknamed Soult ‘The Duke of Damnation’, and he harried them through

Los británicos apodaron a Soult como 'El duque de la condenación', y los acosó por

They nicknamed Mary ‘Pulguita’ because when she was little, she was very tiny and active.

A Mary la pusieron el mote de Pulguita porque de pequeña era muy chiquitina y pizpireta.

He continued to speak his mind, so much so that Louis the Eighteenth nicknamed him ‘His

Continuó diciendo lo que pensaba, tanto que Luis XVIII lo apodó "Su