Translation of "Its  " in Spanish

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Its  " in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Its circulation and even its size.

su tirada y hasta su tamaño.

In terms of its brightness, its current brightness,

En cuanto a su luminosidad,

The dog, wagging its tail, followed its master.

El perro seguía a su dueño moviendo la cola.

The dog followed its master, wagging its tail.

El perro siguió a su amo, moviendo la cola.

- Hate has its place.
- Hatred has its place.

El odio tiene su lugar.

And its unacceptable.

Es inaceptable.

What's its name?

- ¿Cuál es su nombre?
- ¿Cómo se llama?

Its banking industry.

su sector financiero.

Parliament, its constitution and even its own armed forces.

parlamento, su constitución e, incluso, sus propias fuerzas armadas.

It went off with its tail between its legs.

Se fue con el rabo entre las piernas.

But that proclaimed its independence in 1991, and that has its own government, its own

pero que proclamó su independencia en 1991, y que tiene su propio gobierno, su propio

The shape of its orbit and its ratio with Neptune's,

la forma de su órbita y su proporción con la de Neptuno,

- Every rose has its thorn.
- Every rose has its thorns.

Toda rosa tiene su espina.

Despite its great value.

a pesar de su gran importancia.

Its effects are global,

sus efectos son globales

By its very nature,

por su naturaleza,

Its mechanism of action -

su mecanismo de acción,

It is its guarantor.

Es su aval.

Its community is thriving.

la comunidad está prosperando.

Its heart stops beating.

Su corazón deja de latir.

Its tongue gathers scent.

Su lengua recoge el aroma.

He was its talisman.

Él era su talismán.

Its language is visible.

Su lenguaje es visible.

And its countless inhabitants.

y sus innumerables habitantes.

Youth has its advantages.

La juventud tiene sus venatajas de cierta forma.

Its color is red.

Su color es rojo.

Everything has its limit.

Todas las cosas tienen un límite.

Reading has its rules.

La lectura tiene sus reglas.

Its taste is wonderful!

¡El sabor es maravilloso!

Everything has its price.

Todo tiene su precio.

What is its price?

¿Cuál es el precio de esto?

In summary, its like

En resumen es como

Everything has its limits.

Todo tiene su límite.

I like its fragrance.

- Me gusta su aroma.
- Me gusta su fragancia.

A dog controls its temperature by panting with its tongue out.

Los perros controlan su temperatura jadeando con la lengua fuera.

- Estonia has its own national anthem.
- Estonia has its own hymn.

Estonia tiene su propio himno nacional.

When a dragonfly sees its prey, it trains its crosshairs on it

Cuando una libélula ve a su presa, apunta su punto de mira hacia ella

- The baby wants its mother.
- The baby is looking for its mother.

El bebe está buscando a su madre.

- A deer ran for its life.
- The deer ran for its life.

El ciervo corrió por su vida.

- California is famous for its fruit.
- California is famous for its fruits.

California es famosa por sus frutas.

- Nothing is to be compared to its beauty.
- Its beauty is incomparable.

No hay nada comparable a su belleza.

- Sweden has a language of its own.
- Sweden has its own language.

Suecia tiene su propia lengua.

According the bible, the pelican fed its chicks with its own blood.

Según la biblia, los pelícanos alimentan a sus polluelos con su sangre.

The camel sees not its own hump but that of its fellow.

El camello no ve su propia joroba sino la de su compañero.

Its results are very solid,

sus resultados son muy sólidos,

Its inequalities are well-documented,

Sus desigualdades están bien documentadas,

And back to its corner.

y vuelve a su rincón.

Swinging its arm like this.

moviendo las patas así.

And its name is "erasure."

y su nombre es ‘supresión’.

To China and its model?

con China y su modelo?

And impacts its living systems.

y en sus sistemas vivos.

Protected behind its Great Wall.

protegida tras su Gran Muralla China.

So even in its imperfection,

Entonces, incluso dentro de su imperfección,

Was still its' intellectual heartland.

aún era su corazón intelectual.

It relies on its hearing.

depende de su audición.

It pushes out its guts...

le saca las tripas

If its past is dirty

si su pasado es sucio

Its accuracy is fully discussed

su precisión se discute completamente

But its accuracy is discussed

pero se discute su precisión

And its purpose is completely

y su propósito es completamente

It’s trusted by its users…

Sus usuarios confían en él

To develop its forces here .

de desarrollar aquí sus fuerzas.

The snake shed its skin.

La serpiente mudó su piel.

The excitement reached its peak.

La emoción llegó a su punto máximo.

The bird spread its wings.

El pájaro desplegó las alas.

The dog wagged its tail.

- El perro sacudía la cola.
- El perro meneaba la cola.

The dog knew its master.

El perro conocía a su amo.

The cat retracted its claws.

El gato retrajo sus zarpas.

Virtue is its own reward.

La virtud es su propia recompensa.

The bird flapped its wings.

La pájaro batía sus alas.

The arrow missed its target.

La flecha falló su objetivo.

Every dog has its day.

- A cada santo le llega su día.
- Todo le llega a quien sabe esperar.

The ship changed its course.

El barco cambió de rumbo.

Its English version is perfect.

Su versión inglesa es perfecta.

Every camel has its hump.

Cada camello tiene su joroba.

Each price has its reason.

Cada precio tiene su razón de ser.

Every rule has its exceptions.

Toda regla tiene sus excepciones.

Has Europe lost its soul?

¿Ha perdido Europa su alma?

Every advantage has its disadvantage.

Cada ventaja tiene su desventaja.

That its practically impossible to

que sea prácticamente imposible de

The baby needs its mother.

El bebé necesita a su madre.

The cat arched its back.

El gato arqueó el lomo.