Translation of "Earned" in Spanish

0.020 sec.

Examples of using "Earned" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

earned in Spain.

ganado en España.

Trust is earned.

La confianza se gana.

I've earned it.

Me lo gané.

You've earned this.

Te mereces esto.

- You deserved it.
- You've earned it.
- You earned it.

Te lo merecías.

From money they earned,

del dinero que ganaron,

You've earned this, Tom.

Tú has ganado esto, Tom.

You've earned a good rest.

- Te has ganado un buen descanso.
- Se han ganado un buen descanso.

I'd say you earned it.

Yo diría que te lo ganaste.

I earned my PhD in History,

Obtuve mi doctorado en historia,

I wish I earned more money.

- Me gustaría ganar más dinero.
- Ojalá ganara más dinero.

He earned money by delivering newspapers.

Él ganó dinero vendiendo periódicos.

- She deserved it.
- She earned it.

Ella se lo merecía.

His brave deed earned him respect.

Su valiente hazaña le otorgó el respeto.

Money can be earned without doing evil.

Se puede ganar dinero sin hacer el mal.

He has earned a lot of money.

Él ha ganado mucho dinero.

She earned all those front page headlines.

Ella se ganó todos esos titulares de primera plana.

He earned his living as a teacher.

Él se ganaba la vida como maestro.

His new movie earned him an Academy Award.

Su nueva película le ameritó un Premio de la Academia.

- He won her love.
- He earned her love.

Él se ganó el amor de ella.

She earned three thousand euros in one night.

Ella ganó 3000€ en una noche.

Country has earned the nickname of the “small Sparta".

país se ha ganado el apodo de la “pequeña Esparta”.

He earned no more than ten dollars a day.

Él no ganaba más de diez dólares al día.

Go ahead, give America all your hard earned money.

Adelante, den a Estados Unidos todo el dinero que se han ganado.

What little money he earned he spent on books.

El poco dinero que él ganó lo gastó en libros.

Or deliver the information that he earned the most money.

o entregar la información que ganó más dinero.

So I prefer someone who has earned the money themselves

Así que prefiero a alguien que se haya ganado el dinero por sí mismo

That has earned them the qualification of the "little Sparta".

que les ha valido el calificativo de la “pequeña Esparta”.

Tom earned money by playing his guitar on street corners.

Tom se ganaba la vida tocando la guitarra en las esquinas.

You don't have it easy but you earned that yourself.

No lo tienes fácil, pero te mereces.

I earned quite well beforehand and passed off what I had saved.

Gané bastante bien de antemano y pasé lo que había ahorrado.

- He won her affection.
- He won her love.
- He earned her love.

Él se ganó el amor de ella.

And that earned her a platform from which she could educate the world.

y esto le brindó una plataforma desde la cual educar al mundo.

Despite having never earned money and to produce very few cars, Tesla has

A pesar de no haber ganado nunca dinero y de producir muy poquitos coches, Tesla tiene

- A penny saved is a penny earned.
- A penny saved is a penny gained.

- Un centavo ahorrado es un centavo ganado.
- Un peso ahorrado es un peso ganado.

- My salary was high this month.
- I earned a lot of money this month.

El sueldo de este mes fue alto.

Eileen was a very good student. She earned a scholarship to attend Syracuse University.

Eileen era muy buena estudiante. Le dieron una beca para estudiar en la Universidad de Siracusa.

He had earned a lot of money in New York and went back to his hometown.

Había ganado mucho dinero en Nueva York y volvió a su ciudad natal.

He briefly earned a living in Dresden as a fencing  master with a feared reputation as a duellist.

Brevemente se ganó la vida en Dresde como maestro de esgrima con una temida reputación como duellista.

- A penny saved is a penny earned.
- A penny saved is a penny gained.
- Penny saved is penny got.

Un peso ahorrado es un peso ganado.

In business today, too many executives spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't need, to impress people they don't even like.

En los negocios de hoy, demasiados ejecutivos gastan el dinero que no han ganado para comprar cosas que no necesitan, para impresionar a gente que ni siquiera les gusta.

- He made a lot of money in New York and went back to the small town where he was born.
- He had earned a lot of money in New York and went back to his hometown.

Él se hizo una fortuna en Nueva York, y regresó a la pequeña ciudad donde nació.