Translation of "Tortured" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Tortured" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

They were tortured.

Eles foram torturados.

Tom was tortured.

Tom foi torturado.

We tortured them.

Nós os torturamos.

They tortured you.

Eles te torturaram.

Dan was also tortured.

Dan também foi torturado.

She tortured a prisoner.

Ela torturou uma prisioneira.

Sami was being tortured.

Sami estava sendo torturado.

He was tortured and murdered.

Ele foi torturado e morto.

Tom was tortured by the police.

Tom foi torturado pela polícia.

They tortured my father to death.

Eles torturaram o meu pai até a morte.

The government tortured the citizen to make him confess.

O governo torturou o cidadão a fim de que ele confessasse.

They tortured the prisoner first and then killed him.

Já torturaram o recluso e já o mataram.

- I was tortured by thirst.
- I was tormented by thirst.

A sede estava me torturando.

In civilized Europe, bulls are still tortured and killed for fun.

Na Europa civilizada, touros ainda são torturados e mortos por diversão.

I hate and I love. Why would I do this, maybe you're asking? I don't know, but I feel it happening and am tortured.

Odeio e amo. Talvez perguntes o porquê. Não sei, mas sinto acontecer e me tortura.

Pale at the sight we fly; unswerving, these / glide on and seek Laocoon. First, entwined / in stringent folds, his two young sons they seize, / with cruel fangs their tortured limbs to grind.

Ante a visão chocante, espavoridos / precipitamo-nos em várias direções. / Determinadas, as serpentes correm / até Laocoonte, mas primeiro / enlaça cada qual do antiste um filho, / e as infelizes presas, a dentadas, / têm devorados seus pequenos corpos.