Translation of "Flap" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Flap" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Birds flap their wings to fly.

As aves batem as asas para voar.

When straight, down-swooping from the hills meanwhile / the Harpies flap their clanging wings, and tear / the food, and all with filthy touch defile, / and, mixt with screams, uprose a sickening stench and vile.

Mas as harpias chegam de repente, / vindas dos montes em medonho voo; / com grande estrépito adejando, pilham / nossa comida e tudo contaminam / com seu contato imundo; ao cheiro insuportável / juntam-se agudos e sinistros gritos.

"As they, returning, sport with joyous cry, / and flap their wings and circle in the sky, / e'en so thy vessels and each late-lost crew / safe now and scatheless in the harbour lie, / or, crowding canvas, hold the port in view."

"Estão voltando a salvo à terra e brincam, / ruflando vivamente as asas, e, formando / um círculo no céu, cantam vitória. / Assim mesmo teus barcos e teus bravos / companheiros o porto já alcançaram / ou à barra a todo o pano estão chegando".