Translation of "Enrolled" in Portuguese

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Enrolled" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Sami wasn't enrolled in that school.

Sami não estava matriculada nessa escola.

They enrolled him as a jury member.

Alistaram-no como membro do júri.

She was enrolled at the last moment.

Ela foi inscrita no último momento.

I enrolled in an art school when I was eight.

Eu entrei numa escola de artes quando eu tinha 8 anos.

Flavio is enrolled in his third year of high school.

Flávio está cursando a terceira série do Ensino Médio.

- Flavio is enrolled in his third year of high school.
- Flavio is in his senior year of high school.

Flávio está cursando a terceira série do Ensino Médio.

I enrolled in a bachelor's program in Letters and Classical Studies (Portuguese and Classical Greek) at Universidade Federal Fluminense, but did not obtain a degree.

Eu fiz graduação em Letras / Estudos Clássicos (Grego clássico e português) pela Universidade Federal Fluminense mas ainda não o concluí.