Translation of "Combed" in Portuguese

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Combed" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Tom combed his hair.

Tom penteou o cabelo.

He combed back his hair.

Ele penteou seu cabelo para trás.

Tom combed back his hair.

Tom penteou o cabelo para trás.

Tom's hair is neatly combed.

O cabelo do Tom está bem penteado.

She combed her hair with her fingers.

- Ela penteou os cabelos com as mãos.
- Ela penteou seu cabelo com os dedos.

After polishing his shoes, Tom brushed his teeth and combed his hair.

Depois de engraxar os sapatos, o Tom lavou os dentes e penteou-se.

Sitting on the rock, she sang a sweet song as she combed her hair.

Ela cantava uma linda canção enquanto penteava os cabelos no rochedo.