Translation of "Bared" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Bared" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Bared stands the inmost palace, and behold, / the stately chambers and the courts appear / of Priam and the Trojan Kings of old, / and warders at the door with shield an spear.

Expõe-se do palácio a intimidade: / os longos átrios, os privados aposentos / de Príamo e de priscos reis troianos; / e logo à entrada, à frente, estão postados / (isto também se pode ver) homens armados.

"Now die!" – So speaking, to the shrine he tore / the aged Priam, trembling with affright, / and feebly sliding in his son's warm gore. / The left hand twists his hoary locks; the right / deep in his side drives home the falchion, bared and bright.

"Agora, morre.” Assim dizendo, arrasta / até o altar o ancião, que a tremer escorrega / num mar de sangue de seu filho; agarra-o / pelos cabelos com a mão esquerda / e brande com a direita a espada coruscante, / até aos copos enterrando-lha no peito.

Meanwhile from neighbouring Tenedos once more, / beneath the tranquil moonbeam's friendly care, / with ordered ships, along the deep sea-floor, / back came the Argive host, and sought the well-known shore. / Forth from the royal galley sprang the flame, / when Sinon, screened by partial Fate, withdrew / the bolts and barriers of the pinewood frame, / and from its inmost caverns, bared to view, / the fatal horse disgorged the Danaan crew.

E já de Tênedos partia a armada grega / para o ataque, aprestada e protegida / pela cúmplice ausência do luar, / buscando praias mais que conhecidas. / Logo que a capitânia ergue o fanal, / Sínon, de iníquos deuses favorito, / furtivamente solta os dânaos alojados / no infausto ventre, abrindo o claustro de madeira.