Translation of "Tomorrow" in Polish

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Tomorrow" in a sentence and their polish translations:

- We're leaving tomorrow.
- We're off tomorrow.
- We're going tomorrow.

Jutro wyjeżdżamy.

- Tomorrow is Christmas Day.
- Tomorrow is Christmas.
- Tomorrow it's Christmas.

Jutro jest Boże Narodzenie.

- See you tomorrow.
- See you tomorrow!
- I'll see you tomorrow.

- Do zobaczenia jutro.
- Do jutra.

- Tomorrow is Christmas.
- Tomorrow it's Christmas.

Jutro jest Boże Narodzenie.

- It's Monday tomorrow.
- Tomorrow is Monday.

Jutro będzie poniedziałek.

- I start tomorrow.
- I begin tomorrow.

Zaczynam jutro.

Leave tomorrow.

Wyjedziemy jutro.

- I will come tomorrow.
- I'll come tomorrow.

Przyjdę jutro.

- It is Sunday tomorrow.
- Tomorrow is Sunday.

Jutro jest niedziela.

- It'll snow tomorrow.
- It will snow tomorrow.

Jutro zapowiada się śnieg.

- It expires tomorrow.
- It runs out tomorrow.

Jutro mija termin przydatności.

- It'll snow tomorrow.
- It will snow tomorrow.
- It will be snowing tomorrow.

Jutro będzie padać śnieg.

- Come again tomorrow.
- Come see me again tomorrow.
- Please come back tomorrow.

Przyjdź też jutro!

- It is a holiday tomorrow.
- Tomorrow is a holiday.
- It's a holiday tomorrow.

- Jutro jest święto.
- Jutro jest wolne.

- We're meeting up tomorrow?
- Will I see you tomorrow?
- Are we meeting tomorrow?

Spotkamy się jutro?

- Will it be Saturday tomorrow?
- Is tomorrow Saturday?

Czy jutro jest sobota?

- It might rain tomorrow.
- It may rain tomorrow.

Jutro może padać.

- We'll begin tomorrow morning.
- We'll start tomorrow morning.

Zaczniemy jutro rano.

- Are you leaving tomorrow?
- Will you leave tomorrow?
- Are you going to leave tomorrow?
- Will you be leaving tomorrow?

Wyjeżdżasz jutro?

- I'll call you up tomorrow.
- I'll give you a call tomorrow.
- I'll call you tomorrow.
- I will call you tomorrow.

Zadzwonię do ciebie jutro.

- Tomorrow, tomorrow, just not today - say all lazy people.
- Tomorrow, tomorrow, anything but today, is what all lazy people say.

Jutro, jutro, tylko nie dzisiaj, mówią wszyscy leniwi ludzie.

- It will be hot tomorrow.
- Tomorrow, it will be hot.
- It'll be hot tomorrow.
- It's going to be hot tomorrow.
- Tomorrow is going to be hot.

Jutro będzie gorąco.

School begins tomorrow.

Szkoła zaczyna się jutro.

How about tomorrow?

A może jutro?

Come again tomorrow.

Jutro również zapraszamy.

Come tomorrow morning.

Przyjdź jutro rano.

Come back tomorrow.

Wróć jutro!

Is tomorrow Saturday?

Czy jutro jest sobota?

Tomorrow is Friday.

Jutro będzie piątek.

Ask me tomorrow.

Zapytaj mnie jutro.

Call me tomorrow.

Zadzwoń do mnie jutro.

Tomorrow is Saturday.

Jutro będzie sobota.

I start tomorrow.

Zaczynam jutro.

Tomorrow is Tuesday.

Jutro będzie wtorek.

Tomorrow is Thursday.

Jutro będzie czwartek.

Tomorrow is Wednesday.

Jutro będzie środa.

Tomorrow is Christmas.

Jutro jest Boże Narodzenie.

We'll work tomorrow.

Jutro pracujemy.

Think about tomorrow.

- Pomyśl o jutrze.
- Myśl o jutrze.

Tomorrow it starts.

- Zaczyna się jutro.
- Jutro się zacznie.

Why not tomorrow?

Dlaczego nie jutro?

I'll know tomorrow.

Jutro będę wiedział.

It'll snow tomorrow.

Jutro będzie padać śnieg.

Tomorrow never comes.

Jutro nie nadchodzi.

Do it tomorrow.

Załatw to jutro!

Tomorrow is Monday.

Jutro jest poniedziałek.

I'm off tomorrow.

Jutro mam wolne.

- It is Sunday tomorrow.
- Tomorrow is Sunday.
- Tomorrow's Sunday.

- Jutro jest niedziela.
- Jutro będzie niedziela.

Tomorrow ... tomorrow seemed such a long, long way off.

Jutro... Jutro wydawało się niesłychanie odległą perspektywą.

- Their wedding will be tomorrow.
- Their wedding is tomorrow.

Ich ślub odbędzie się jutro.

- I'll be there tomorrow.
- I will be there tomorrow.

Będę tam jutro.

- We will have guests tomorrow.
- We'll have guests tomorrow.

Jutro będziemy mieli gości.

- I am taking tomorrow off.
- I'm taking tomorrow off.

Jutro biorę wolne.

- Will I see you tomorrow?
- Are we meeting tomorrow?

Zobaczymy się jutro?

- I am off duty tomorrow.
- I'm off duty tomorrow.

Jutro nie mam służby.

- I'll be seeing him tomorrow.
- I'll meet him tomorrow.

Spotkam się z nim jutro.

- Tom will return tomorrow.
- Tom will come back tomorrow.

Tom wróci jutro.

- I'll be busy tomorrow.
- I will be busy tomorrow.

Jutro będę zajęty.

- I'll be absent tomorrow.
- I will be absent tomorrow.

- Jutro mnie nie ma.
- Będę jutro nieobecny.

- I will do it tomorrow.
- I'll do it tomorrow.

Zrobię to jutro.

- Perhaps she will come tomorrow.
- She might come tomorrow.

Ona przyjdzie być może jutro.

- It is a holiday tomorrow.
- Tomorrow is a holiday.
- Tomorrow's a holiday.
- It's a holiday tomorrow.

Jutro jest dzień wolny od pracy.

- Will it be sunny tomorrow?
- Will it be fine tomorrow?

Czy jutro będzie ładna pogoda?

- I will call on you tomorrow.
- I'll visit you tomorrow.

Odwiedzę cię jutro.

- Are you going to come tomorrow?
- Are you coming tomorrow?

Przyjdziesz jutro?

- I will stay home tomorrow.
- I'll stay at home tomorrow.

Jutro zostaję w domu.

- I'm going to Boston tomorrow.
- Tomorrow I'm going to Boston.

Jutro jadę do Bostonu.

- Will it rain tomorrow?
- Is it going to rain tomorrow?

Czy będzie padać jutro?