Translation of "Toilets" in Polish

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Toilets" in a sentence and their polish translations:

Right, cell phones with toilets for old men.

Właśnie, komórki z toaletami dla dziadków.

Early in the morning, when the station toilets were opened,

Wcześnie rano, kiedy otwarto stacyjne toalety,

- The toilet is behind the staircase.
- The toilets are behind the stairs.

Toaleta znajduje się za schodami.

- Where is the bathroom?
- Where's the restroom?
- Where is the toilet?
- Where's the toilet?
- Where's the washroom?
- Where's the bathroom?
- Where are the toilets?
- Where's the loo?

Gdzie jest łazienka?