Translation of "Out  " in Polish

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Out  " in a sentence and their polish translations:

- Keep out.
- Keep out!

Nie wchodzić!

- Get out.
- Get out!

Wynoś się!

- Look out!
- Look out.


- Get out.
- Get out!
- Leave!

Wynoś się!

- Let me out!
- Let me out.
- Take it out!

Wypuść mnie.

- We're going out.
- We'll go out.
- I'm going out.


- Check it out!
- Check it out.


- Look out!
- Watch out!
- It's dangerous!


- Get out.
- Beat it.
- Get out!

- Sio!
- Precz!
- Won!

Out of sight, out of mind.

Czego oczy nie widzą, tego sercu nie żal.

- He has gone out.
- She went out.
- She has gone out.


Get out!

- Wynocha!
- Wynoście się!

Keep out.

Wstęp wzbroniony.

Sold out.


- She went out.
- She has gone out.

- Wyszła.
- Ona wyszła.

- Time is running out.
- Time's running out.

Czas się kończy.

- Cut it out!
- Cut it out.
- Enough!


- Get out.
- I left.
- I went out.


- Look out!
- Watch out!
- Pay attention!
- Attention!


- Get out.
- Get your carcass out of here!
- Get out!
- Please leave.

- Zabieraj się stąd!
- Wynocha!

- I laughed out loud.
- I burst out laughing.

Wybuchnąłem śmiechem.

- Get out of bed!
- Get out of bed.

Wyłaź z łóżka.

- Take out the trash.
- Take the rubbish out.

Wynieś śmieci.

- Tom has passed out.
- Tom is passed out.

Tom zemdlał.

- Take the garbage out.
- Take the rubbish out.

Wyrzuć śmieci.

- She seldom goes out.
- She rarely goes out.

Ona rzadko wychodzi.

- Get out of here.
- Get out of here!

Spadaj stąd!

- Get out.
- Get out!
- Go away.
- Get the fuck out of here.
- Gangway!
- Get the fuck out!
- Take a hike!

Wypierdalaj stąd!

Check this out!


Check it out!


Check it out.

Idę na zwiady.

Check this out.

Sprawdzę co to!

Okay, watch out.

Dobrze, patrzcie.

All sold out!

Wszystko wyprzedane!

They passed out.

- Oni zemdleli.
- One zemdlały.

I'm going out.

Skończone - wychodzę.

Tom passed out.

Tom zemdlał.

She went out.


Help Tom out.

Wspieraj Toma!

That's far out!

To jest daleko!

Careful! Watch out!

Ostrożnie! Uważaj!

Tom's out cold.

Tom jest nieprzytomny.

I'm checking out.

Chciałbym się wymeldować.

Let me out.

Wypuśćcie mnie.

Wait out here.

Poczekaj tutaj.

I passed out.

- Zemdlałem.
- Zemdlałam.

Stick it out.


- Watch out!
- Attention!


Life worked out.

Udało się życie.

Truth wins out.

Prawda zwycięża.

The power's out.

Nie ma prądu.

- Breathe out.
- Exhale.


He walked out.

- On wyszedł.
- Wyszedł.

Let me out!

Wypuść mnie!

Tom ate out.

Tom poszedł jeść.

- I am out of work.
- I'm out of work.

Jestem bez pracy.

- I must go out.
- I've got to go out.

Muszę wyjść.

- We've run out of tea.
- We're out of tea.

Herbata się skończyła.

- I could not get out.
- I couldn't get out.

Nie mogłem się wydostać.

- Tom likes to eat out.
- Tom likes eating out.

Tom lubi jeść na mieście.

- Look out of the window.
- Look out your window.

Popatrz przez okno.

- We're out of beer.
- We've run out of beer.

Nie mamy już piwa.

- Get out.
- Get out!
- Get outta here!
- Get lost.

- Wynocha!
- Wynoś się!
- Spadaj!
- Wyjdź!
- Wynoś się stąd!

- Put out your tongue, please.
- Please stick out your tongue.
- Please stick your tongue out.

Proszę wystawić język.

- He took a notebook out.
- He pulled out a notebook.
- He took out a notebook.

- Wyciągnął zeszyt.
- Wyjął notatnik.
- Wyjął zeszyt.

- Tom threw out the garbage.
- Tom took out the rubbish.
- Tom took the rubbish out.

Tom wyrzucił śmieci.

- You ought not to go out.
- You'd better not go out.
- You shouldn't go out.

Lepiej nie wychodź z domu.

- Do you eat out often?
- Do you often eat out?

Czy często jesz poza domem?

- Get them out of here!
- Get them out of here.

Zabierz ich stąd!

- Get the fuck out!
- Get the fuck out of here!


- Get out of my house!
- Get out of my house.

Wynocha z mojego domu!

- The pupils burst out laughing.
- The students burst out laughing.

Studenci wybuchnęli śmiechem.

- We ran out of petrol.
- We ran out of gas.

Skończyło nam się paliwo.

- Get out of my life!
- Get out of my life.

Wynocha z mego życia!

- Cut it out!
- Cut it out.
- Stop that!
- Stop it!


- I have to go out.
- I've got to go out.

Muszę wyjść.

It is better to wear out than to rust out.

Lepiej się zużyć niż zardzewieć.

- Tom took out the rubbish.
- Tom took the rubbish out.

- Tom wyrzucił śmieci.
- Tom wyniósł śmieci.

- Get out of my room.
- Get out of my room!

Wyjdź z mojego pokoju!

- It turned out true.
- It turned out to be true.
- It turned out to be the truth.

Okazało się to prawdą.

- Do not look out the window.
- Do not look out of the window.
- Don't look out of the window.
- Don't look out the window.

Nie wyglądaj przez okno.

- Tom went out to the balcony.
- Tom went out onto the balcony.
- Tom stepped out onto the balcony.
- Tom stepped out on the balcony.

Tom wyszedł na balkon.