Translation of "Earned" in Polish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Earned" in a sentence and their polish translations:

Trust is earned.

Na zaufanie trzeba sobie zasłużyć.

You've well earned it.

Dobrze sobie na to zasłużyłeś.

His diligence earned him success.

Jego pilność przyniosła mu sukces.

I earned a bachelor's degree.

Zrobiłem licencjat.

His brave deed earned him respect.

Jego odważny czyn zyskał mu szacunek.

- She reckoned that she had earned 1,500 dollars.
- She calculated that she had earned 1,500 dollars.

Obliczyła, że zarobiła 1500 dolarów.

He earned his living as a teacher.

Zarabia na życie jako nauczyciel.

She earned remarkable grades at the final exams.

Uzyskała znakomity wynik na egzaminie na koniec semestru.

She calculated that she had earned 1,500 dollars.

Obliczyła, że zarobiła 1500 dolarów.

His diligence and good conduct earned him the scholarship.

Dzięki pilności i dobremu sprawowaniu zapracował na stypendium.

What little money he earned he spent on books.

Skromne pieniądze, które zarabiał, wydawał na książki.

When Tom was a teenager, he earned money delivering newspapers.

Będąc nastolatkiem, Tom zarabiał na roznoszeniu gazet.

He was an artist who earned a living by painting royal portraits.

Był malarzem, który stał się portrecistą królów.

- My salary was high this month.
- I earned a lot of money this month.

W tym miesiącu wypłata była wysoka.

He had earned a lot of money in New York and went back to his hometown.

Zarobił dużo pieniędzy w Nowym Jorku i wrócił do rodzinnego miasteczka.

- He made a lot of money in New York and went back to the small town where he was born.
- He had earned a lot of money in New York and went back to his hometown.

Zarobił dużo pieniędzy w Nowym Jorku i wrócił do rodzinnego miasteczka.