Translation of "Alright…" in Japanese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Alright…" in a sentence and their japanese translations:



Alright thank you.


Alright let's go.


Tastes alright, though!


Leland Melvin: Alright.

(リーランド) いいですよ

Is this alright?


It's alright now.


Are you alright?


Alright, my friends. Hello.

皆さん こんにちは

Alright. Are you ready?


But otherwise it looks alright.


Alright! They're all mopped up!


- All right.
- Okay.
- OK.
- Alright.


I'm alright, I'm just busy.


I mean, it's alright for you,


"Ow-ow-ouch" "Are you alright?"


Alright! Listen up and listen well!


- All right.
- Good.
- Okay.
- OK.
- Alright.

- 賛成です。
- 賛成。

NHH: Alright, Dr. Tompkins, let's get started.

(ナディーン) ではトンプキンス先生 始めることにしましょう

- Is Tom all right?
- Is Tom alright?


- Is she all right?
- Is he all right?
- Is he alright?
- Is she alright?
- Is she okay?


Alright, are you ready? For your first one?

いいですか? 1つ目を聞きますよ?

Alright, so just give us a comfortable "e."

はい 楽にして「イー」と言って

- Is everything OK here?
- Is everything alright here?

- ほかに誤用はございませんか。
- ほかにご用はございませんか。

Alright, now that you have your card in mind,

さて ご自分のカードを決めましたね

Alright, millennials, this is what I learned about us.

さて ミレニアル世代は どうかというと

Alright, so let's talk about another tool for foresight.

では 先読みのための もう1つのツールをご紹介します

Alright, this is perhaps my favorite sight so far.

この景色 もしかしたら一番好きかもしれない

Alright. I am going to tell you a story.

さて 今日は私の1日についての

- Is Tom all right?
- Is Tom OK?
- Is Tom alright?


Would it be alright to come to visit your place soon?


Alright, so for those of you who might be a little squeamish,

(マシュー)もしかしたら 繊細な方には

Alright, so this is what it looks like when Tom does it.


If you don't like it, it is alright for you to leave.


It's alright. This injection won't hurt. It will just prick a little.


- You all right?
- Are you all right?
- Are you OK?
- Are you alright?


- Everything is OK.
- Everything is fine.
- All is well.
- Everything is alright.
- Everything's fine.

- 万事具合がいい。
- 万事よろしい。
- これで結構です。
- 何も問題はない。

I'm worried because the dentist I went to recently told me, "You've got periodontitis alright".


- Is everything all right?
- Is everything okay?
- Is everything OK?
- Are you alright?
- All good?

- 大丈夫ですか?
- すべて大丈夫ですか。
- いい?

- "Let's go to bed at nine today." "Alright."
- "Let's go sleep at nine today." "Sure."


That was another impressive fall-flat-on-your-face ... Hey, you alright, Sophie? Can you stand?


Even if that's alright with you nobody else will accept it. I'll get shouted at afterwards so...


- Everything is OK.
- Everything is all right.
- It's OK.
- Everything is alright.
- Everything's fine.
- Everything's in order.

- 万事順調だ。
- 万事具合がいい。
- 万事よろしい。
- 大丈夫だよ。
- 大丈夫です。

- Everything is OK.
- Everything is fine.
- Everything is all right.
- Everything is alright.
- Everything's fine.
- Everything's OK.


- Is Tom doing okay?
- Is Tom all right?
- Is Tom well?
- Is Tom doing OK?
- Is Tom alright?

- トムは元気してる?
- トムは大丈夫?

- I'm doing fine.
- I'm fine.
- I am okay.
- I'm OK.
- I am fine.
- I'm alright.
- I'm okay.
- I'm good.


"Tom, did you catch the flu? Are you alright? I hope it's not actually COVID!" "Nah, I'm fine. Thanks."


- Is Tom doing okay?
- Is Tom all right?
- Is Tom OK?
- Is Tom well?
- Is Tom doing OK?
- Is Tom alright?

- トムは元気してる?
- トムは大丈夫?

- That is all right.
- Everything is alright.
- That's all right.
- Everything's OK.
- Everything's in order.
- Everything is in order.
- It's all right!

- それは申し分ない。
- それでいいよ。

- It's all right.
- Everything is OK.
- Everything is fine.
- All is well.
- Everything is all right.
- Everything is alright.
- Everything's fine.
- It's all OK.


"Sorry Tom, I accidentally broke your coffee cup" "Ah, it's alright. I can use it for something else, so it is no big deal."


- I'm doing fine.
- I'm fine.
- It's all right with me.
- I am okay.
- I'm OK.
- I'm doing well.
- I am fine.
- I'm alright.
- I'm all right.
- I'm okay.
- I'm well.

- 大丈夫ですよ。
- 私は大丈夫です。
- 私は元気です。
- 元気でやってるよ。
- 大丈夫だ。
- 私は大丈夫。

- Everything will be OK.
- All will be fine.
- Everything's going to be OK.
- It will be fine.
- Everything will be fine.
- Everything will be alright.
- It's all going to be all right.
- Everything is going to turn out OK.
