Translation of "Telly" in Italian

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Telly" in a sentence and their italian translations:

Have you turned off the telly?

- Hai spento la televisione?
- Ha spento la televisione?
- Avete spento la televisione?

I've already watched this film on the telly.

Questo film l'ho giĆ  visto in televisione.

- You like watching telly.
- You like watching television.

- Ti piace guardare la televisione.
- A te piace guardare la televisione.

- Do you watch television?
- Do you watch telly?

Guardi la televisione?

- He's switched the telly on.
- He switched on the telly.
- He's switched the television on.
- He switched on the television.

- Ha acceso la televisione.
- Lui ha acceso la televisione.

- Let's turn off the telly.
- Let's turn off the TV.

Spegniamo la TV.

- Let's turn off the telly.
- Let's turn off the television.

Spegniamo la televisione.

- He switched on the telly.
- He switched on the television.

- Ha acceso la televisione.
- Accese la televisione.

- Tom is watching TV.
- Tom is watching television.
- Tom is watching telly.

- Tom sta guardando la TV.
- Tom sta guardando la televisione.

- Tom is watching TV right now.
- Tom is watching the telly right now.

Tom sta guardando la TV in questo momento.

- Let's turn off the telly.
- Let's turn off the TV.
- Let's turn off the television.

Spegniamo la televisione.

- The television doesn't work.
- The television isn't working.
- The telly's not working.
- The television's not working.
- The television set's not working.
- The telly isn't working.
- The television set isn't working.

- La televisione non funziona.
- Il televisore non funziona.
- La televisione non va.