Translation of "Turbulent" in German

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Examples of using "Turbulent" in a sentence and their german translations:

And I remember it was a very rough day, very turbulent.

war es ein stürmischer Tag, sehr turbulent.

During these turbulent early years  of the Revolution, Custine was one of  

Während dieser turbulenten frühen Jahre der Revolution war Custine einer von

- That day was very stormy.
- It was very stormy that day.
- That day was very turbulent.

An jenem Tag war es sehr stürmisch.

The turbulent sands above our heads, the flinging of our swords... they're naught but falling stars in the night sky.

Der wirbelnde Sand über unseren Köpfen, das Schleudern unserer Schwerter... sie sind nichts als fallende Sterne am Nachthimmel.