Translation of "Sobs" in French

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Sobs" in a sentence and their french translations:

* He sobs. *

* Il sanglote. *

(Sobs loudly)

(Sanglote fort)

She burst into sobs.

- Elle éclata en sanglots.
- Elle a éclaté en sanglots.

And when the sky weeps, darkening with sobs

♫ Et quand le ciel pleure, se grise de sanglots ♫

- She broke into tears.
- She burst into sobs.
- She burst out crying.

Elle a éclaté en sanglots.

- She burst into tears.
- She burst into sobs.
- She burst out crying.

Elle éclata en sanglots.

Apparently, you can hear a girl's sobs coming from the closed-off washroom in that school building at midnight.

La nuit, on peut entendre une jeune fille pleurer dans la toilette condamnée de cet édifice de l'école.

So wailed Creusa, and in wild despair / filled all the palace with her sobs and cries, / when lo! a portent, wondrous to declare. / For while, 'twixt sorrowing parents' hands and eyes, / stood young Iulus, wildered with surprise, / up from the summit of his fair, young head / a tuft was seen of flickering flame to rise. / Gently and harmless to the touch it spread / around his tender brows, and on his temples fed.

Ainsi Créuse en pleurs, exhalant ses alarmes, / remplit l'air de ses cris, me baigne de ses larmes, / lorsqu'un soudain prodige épouvante nos cœurs : / aux yeux et dans les bras de ses parents en pleurs, / sur la tête d'Ascagne une flamme rayonne, / tourne autour de son front en brillante couronne, / et, d'un léger éclair l'effleurant mollement, / autour de ses cheveux se joue innocemment.