Translation of "Downfall" in French

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Examples of using "Downfall" in a sentence and their french translations:

Drink brought about his downfall.

La boisson l'a conduit à sa perte.

His arrogance led to his downfall.

Son arrogance l'a conduit à la ruine.

Like those who do not accept their limits, their grief, their downfall

Le courage, c'est ne pas accepter d'avoir des limites, des soucis, des chutes.

Politics and their downfall was called by the Viking custom of ‘heitstrenging’,

norvégienne et leur chute a été appelée par la coutume viking de `` heitstrenging '',

The role of Fouché is well known, plotting Napoleon’s downfall from the moment he returned to France.

Le rôle de Fouché est bien connu: il prévoit la chute de Napoléon dès son retour en France

Then, fired with passion and revenge, I burn / to quit Troy's downfall and exact the fee / such crimes deserve.

Son odieux aspect réveille ma furie ; / je brûle par sa mort de venger ma patrie.

"If you trip, you'll fall down. And if you fall down, that will be your downfall", said Arnaud Vannay.

« Si tu tombes, c'est la chute. Mais si tu chutes, c'est la tombe ! », a dit Arnaud Vannay.