Translation of "Expecting" in Finnish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Expecting" in a sentence and their finnish translations:

I was expecting it!

Minä odotinkin sitä!

Are you expecting Tom?

Odotatko Tomia?

Tom is expecting someone.

Tom odottaa jotakuta.

I was expecting Tom.

Odotin Tomia.

Tom is expecting you.

Tom odottaa sinua.

- We are expecting company this evening.
- We're expecting company this evening.

Odotamme vieraita täksi illaksi.

Tom has been expecting Mary.

Tom on odottanut Marin tuloa.

I wasn't expecting to see you.

En odottanut näkeväni sinua.

How many guests are you expecting?

Montako vierasta odotatte?

Your parents are expecting your call.

Vanhempasi odottavat soittoasi.

Are we expecting any other guests?

Odotammeko muita vieraita?

- I am pregnant.
- I'm expecting.
- I'm pregnant.

Olen raskaana.

Fewer people came than we were expecting.

Vähemmän ihmisiä tuli kuin odotimme.

I wasn't expecting to hear from you.

En odottanut kuulevani sinusta.

Tom was expecting Mary to come alone.

Tom odotti Maryn tulevan yksin.

Your parents are expecting you home tonight.

Vanhempasi odottavat, että menet kotiin tänä iltana.

She is expecting a baby in June.

Hän odottaa vauvaa kesäkuuksi.

We are expecting an addition to our family.

Meille on tulossa perheenlisäys.

You're probably expecting Tom to arrive on time.

Taidat odottaa Tomin tulevan ajoissa?

- What did you expect?
- What were you expecting?

- Mitä odotit?
- Mitä sinä odotit?

Tom and Mary are expecting their first child next month.

Tomi ja Mari saavat esikoisensa ensi kuussa.

- Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.
- Madness is repeating the same experience, expecting the results to be different.
- Insanity means doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Hulluutta on se, että tekee samat asiat uudelleen ja uudelleen ja odottaa eri tuloksia.

- Tom's due any minute now.
- We're expecting Tom any minute now.

Tomin on määrä tulla hetkenä minä hyvänsä.

- I'm going to have a baby.
- I am pregnant.
- I'm expecting.
- I'm pregnant.

Olen raskaana.

- Tom is waiting for you.
- Tom is expecting you.
- Tom's waiting for you.

Tom odottaa sinua.

- Are you waiting for anybody?
- Are you expecting anyone?
- Are you waiting for someone?

Odotatko sinä jotakuta?

- I didn't expect Tom to be there.
- I wasn't expecting Tom to be there.

En odottanut Tomin olevan siellä.