Translation of "Confessed" in Finnish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Confessed" in a sentence and their finnish translations:

Tom confessed.

Tuomo tunnusti.

Tom's confessed.

Tom on tunnustanut.

I confessed.

- Tunnustin.
- Minä tunnustin.

I confessed my sin.

Tunnustin syntini.

He confessed his guilt.

Hän tunnusti rikoksen.

Tom confessed to killing Mary.

Tomi tunnusti Marin tappamisen.

The man finally confessed what he had done.

Mies tunnusti lopulta mitä hän oli tehnyt.

He confessed in court that he was in touch with racist groups.

Hän tunnusti oikeudessa että hän oli kosketuksissa rasistiryhmiin.

- Tom confessed he did that.
- Tom admitted that he did that.
- Tom admitted he did that.

Tom tunnusti, että hän sen teki.

Today, I confessed my love to her. I said, "I've fallen in love with you." After that, she didn't know what to say at first. A few minutes passed until she finally said, "Things are going a little too quickly. I'd like to get to know you better first."

Tänään tunnustin rakkauteni hänelle. Sanoin: "Olen rakastunut sinuun". Sen jälkeen hän ei ensin tiennyt mitä sanoa. Muutama minuutti kului kunnes hän viimein sanoi: "Asiat etenevät hieman liian nopeasti. Haluaisin tutustua sinuun paremmin ensin."