Translation of "Jouw" in English

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Jouw" in a sentence and their english translations:

Jouw beloning.

Here is your reward.

- Is zij jouw vriendinnetje?
- Is dit jouw vriendinnetje?
- Is dat jouw vriendin?

Is this your girlfriend?

- Is dit jouw vriendinnetje?
- Is dat jouw vriendin?

- Is this your girlfriend?
- Is that your girlfriend?

- Zijn dat jouw paarden?
- Zijn dit jouw paarden?

Are these your horses?

- Is dit jouw paraplu?
- Is dat jouw paraplu?

Is this your umbrella?

Bijt jouw hond?

Does your dog bite?

Knip jouw nagels.

Clip your nails.

Open jouw raam.

Open your window.

Schud jouw kaarten.

Shuffle your deck.

- Ik ben jouw vrouw niet.
- Ik ben niet jouw vrouw.
- Ik ben niet jouw echtgenote.
- Ik ben jouw echtgenote niet.

- I am not your wife.
- I'm not your wife.

- Waar zit jouw kleindochter?
- Waar is jouw kleindochter?
- Waar is jouw kleindochtertje?
- Waar zit jouw kleindochtertje?
- Waar is uw kleindochter?

Where's your granddaughter?

- Jouw antwoord is onzin.
- Jouw antwoord slaat nergens op.

Your answer doesn't make sense.

- Wie is jouw lievelingsleraar?
- Wie is jouw favoriete leraar?

Who's your favorite teacher?

- Wat is jouw favoriete kleur?
- Wat is jouw lievelingskleur?

- What's your favorite color?
- What is your favorite color?
- What is your favourite colour?
- What's your favourite colour?

- Wat is jouw favoriete muziek?
- Wat is jouw lievelingsmuziek?

What's your favorite music?

- Ik ben Paul, jouw kamergenoot.
- Ik ben Paul, jouw flatgenoot.

I am Paul, your flatmate.

- Nu is het jouw beurt.
- Het is nu jouw beurt.

- It's now your turn.
- Now it's your turn.

Wat is jouw probleem?

What's wrong with you?

Dit is jouw keuze.

[Bear] Don't forget, this is your choice.

Dit is jouw avontuur.

[Bear] Remember, this is your adventure.

Jouw hoofd is rood.

Your face is red.

Wat is jouw lievelingsfilm?

- What's your favorite movie?
- What is your favorite movie?
- Which film do you like most?

Dit is jouw sleutel.

This is your key.

Dit is jouw overwinning.

This is your victory.

Is jouw hond gemeen?

- Does your dog bite?
- Is your dog mean?

Wat is jouw droom?

What is your dream?

Zijn dit jouw dingen?

Are these your things?

Is dit jouw fiets?

Is it your bike?

Dat is jouw kleur!

This is your color!

Het is jouw schuld.

It's your fault.

Jouw Engels is perfect.

- Your English is perfect.
- Your English is flawless.

Is dit jouw boek?

Is this your book?

Wie is jouw lievelingsacteur?

- Who is your favorite actor?
- Who's your favorite actor?
- Who's your favourite actor?
- Who is your favourite actor?

Is dit jouw bier?

Is this your beer?

Is dit jouw potlood?

Is this your pencil?

Wat is jouw lievelingseten?

- What's your favorite food?
- What's your favorite dish for dinner?
- What's your favourite food?
- What is your favorite food?

Wie is jouw lievelingsdichter?

Who's your favorite poet?

Zijn dat jouw foto's?

Are those your pictures?

Wat is jouw plan?

- What's your plan?
- What is your plan?

Is dit jouw pen?

- Is this your pen?
- Is that your pen?

Is jouw auto zwart?

Is your car black?

Jouw hart is ziek.

Your heart is sick.

Wat is jouw familienaam?

- What is your surname?
- What's your last name?
- What is your last name?

Wat is jouw lievelingsseizoen?

What's your favorite season?

Waar is jouw vriend?

- Where's your friend?
- Where is your friend?

Wat is jouw lievelingsboek?

What's your favorite book?

Jouw tas staat open.

Your bag's open.

Is dat jouw man?

Is this your husband?

Ik ben jouw zon.

I am your sun.

Wat is jouw lievelingsvak?

What's your favorite subject?

Jouw schilderijen zijn mooi.

Your paintings are beautiful.

Jouw lippen zijn blauw.

Your lips are blue.

Ik ken jouw broer.

I know your brother.

Jouw antwoord is juist.

- Your answer is right.
- Your answer is correct.

Hier is jouw tas.

- Here is your bag.
- Here's your bag.

Is dat jouw auto?

- Is that your car?
- Is that car yours?

Het is jouw verantwoordelijkheid.

- That's your responsibility.
- It's your responsibility.

Waar is jouw hond?

- Where is your dog?
- Where's your dog?

Dit is jouw hond.

This is your dog.

Wat is jouw telefoonnummer?

- What's your phone number?
- What is your phone number?
- What's your telephone number?

Het is jouw boek.

It's your book.

Dat is jouw verantwoordelijkheid.

That's your responsibility.

Is dat jouw kamer?

- Is that your room?
- Is this your room?

Wat doet jouw zoon?

What does your son do?

Vergeet jouw geld niet.

Don't forget your money.

Jouw gedrag was schandalig.

- Your behavior was disgraceful.
- Your behaviour was disgraceful.
- Your behaviour was shameful.

Is jouw moeder thuis?

- Is your mother at home?
- Is your mum at home?

Wat zijn jouw gedachten?

- What're your thoughts?
- What are your thoughts?

Niemand wil jouw boeken!

Nobody wants your books!

Is Maria jouw dochter?

Is Mary your daughter?

Tom respecteert jouw mening.

Tom respects your opinion.

Wie is jouw lievelingsspeler?

- Who is your favorite player?
- Who's your favorite player?