Translation of "وظل" in English

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Examples of using "وظل" in a sentence and their english translations:

وظل على عمله.

and he stuck to it.

كان بومبي يتراجع نحو مدينة أوكوبيس وظل قيصر يتعقب آثاره

Pompey was retreating towards the city of Ucubis and Caesar remained hot on his heels.

‫لكن بقي بعض السم تحت جلده،‬ ‫وتفاعل وظل يلسع مراراً وتكراراً.‬

but some of the venom had stayed under his skin, and reacted, stinging again and again.

وظل الطلب على النفط قويا لعقود، وجنت المملكة العريه السعوديه الكثير من الاموال

Demand for oil has remained solid for decades and Saudi Arabia reaped the rewards of that.