Translation of "بُني" in English

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "بُني" in a sentence and their english translations:

بُني المستقبل من الماضي،

The future is created from the past,

متى بُني هذا المعبد؟

When was this temple built?

بُني هذا الجسر منذ عامين.

This bridge was built two years ago.

بُني هذا الفندق العام الماضي.

This hotel was built last year.

بُني منزل منّاد عام 2006.

Mennad's house was built in 2006.

بُني منزل منّاد عام 1906.

Mennad's house was built in 1906.

شعر أنّا بُني, ولكن ماجدالينا شَقراء.

- Anna has chestnut brown hair, but Magdalena has blonde hair.
- Anna's hair is brown, but Magdalena's is blonde.

ولذلك بُني في النهاية معبد في الواحة.

And that's the reason why in the end, there was a temple built in the oasis.

أنّا لديها شعر بُني كستنائي, ولكن ماجدالينا لديها شعر أشقر.

Anna has chestnut brown hair, but Magdalena has blonde hair.