Translation of "Neydi" in English

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Neydi" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Amacın neydi?
- Hedefin neydi?
- Ereğin neydi?

What was your goal?

- Puan neydi?
- Amaç neydi?

- What was the point?
- What was the purpose?

O neydi?

What was that?

Farkı neydi?

What was the difference?

Sonuç neydi?

What was the result?

Sorun neydi?

What was the problem?

Tepkisi neydi?

What was his reaction?

İsmi neydi?

- What was it called?
- What was their name?

Kurallar neydi?

What are the rules again?

Tanı neydi?

What was the diagnosis?

Soru neydi?

What was the question?

Plan neydi?

What was the plan?

Söyleyeceğin neydi?

What was it you were going to say?

Alternatifler neydi?

What were the alternatives?

İhlal neydi?

What was the violation?

Seçenekler neydi?

What were the choices?

Cevap neydi?

What was the response?

Anlaşma neydi?

What was the agreement?

Maliyet neydi?

What was the cost?

Amaç neydi?

What was the purpose?

Ismin neydi?

- I didn't catch your name.
- And you are...?

Açıklamaları neydi?

What was their explanation?

Yaptığın neydi?

What was it you were doing?

Mesaj neydi?

What was the message?

Fırındaki neydi?

What was in the oven?

Puanınız neydi?

What was your score?

Kutudaki neydi?

What was in the box?

Anlaşmamız neydi?

What was our deal?

Sorununuz neydi?

- What was wrong with you?
- What was the matter with you?

Bölümün neydi?

- What was your major?
- What did you major in?

Açıklama neydi?

What was the explanation?

Niyetin neydi?

What was your intent?

İlhamınız neydi?

What was your inspiration?

Sonuçlar neydi?

What were the results?

Stratejin neydi?

What was your strategy?

Adınız neydi?

What was your name again?

Skor neydi?

What was the score?

Sebep neydi?

What was the cause?

Kapsamı neydi?

What was the scope?

Cevabı neydi?

What's their answer?

Planın neydi?

What was your plan?

- Onların siparişleri neydi?
- Onların emirleri neydi?

What were their orders?

- Adınız neydi?
- İsminiz neydi?
- İsim nasıldı?

What was your name?

- O da neydi?
- Bu da neydi böyle?

What the hell was that?!

- Senin güdün neydi?
- Seni motive eden neydi?

What was your motive?

- Neydi adı?
- Neydi, bir daha söyler misin?

What's it called again?

Neydi ikinci sorumuz?

What was the second question?

İnsanlığımın amacı neydi?

What was the purpose of my human?

Son istasyon neydi?

What was the last station?

Geride bıraktığım neydi?

What was it I left behind?

Patlamanın nedeni neydi?

What was the cause of the explosion?

Orada yaptığın neydi?

What was it that you did there?

Seçimin sonucu neydi?

What was the outcome of the election?

Onun adı neydi?

What was his name?

Kızın adı neydi?

What was the girl called?

Sinirlenmesinin nedeni neydi?

Why was it that she got angry?

- Ne oldu?
- Neydi?

What was it?

Tom'un planı neydi?

What was Tom's plan?

Büyük duyuru neydi?

What was the big announcement?

Tom'un soyadı neydi?

What was Tom's last name?

İlk dövmen neydi?

What was your first tattoo?

Tom'la ilişkin neydi?

What was your relationship with Tom?

Kutunun içindeki neydi?

What was inside the box?

Kazanın nedeni neydi?

What was the cause of the accident?

Son işin neydi?

What was your last job?

Tom'un istediği neydi?

What was it Tom wanted?

Tom'un tepkisi neydi?

What was Tom's reaction?

Tom'un cevabı neydi?

What was Tom's answer?

Tom'un söylediği neydi?

What was it Tom said?

Ölüm zamanı neydi?

What was the time of death?

Boston'da durum neydi?

What was the situation in Boston?

Üniversitede branşın neydi?

What was your major in college?

Testin sonuçları neydi?

What were the results of the test?

İkinci sebep neydi?

What was the second reason?

Annenin adı neydi?

What was your mother's name?

Babanın adı neydi?

What was your father's name?

Ölüm nedeni neydi?

What was the cause of death?

Onların sorunu neydi?

- What was their problem?
- What was the matter with them?

Onların hedefi neydi?

What was their goal?

Sizin izleniminiz neydi?

What was your impression?

Ağlamanın sebebi neydi?

For what reason did you cry?

Son puan neydi?

What was the final score?

Sadece plan neydi?

Just what was the plan?

Dinlediğin müzik neydi?

What was the music you were listening to?

O kolideki neydi?

What was in that package?

Tom'un yanıtı neydi?

- What was Tom's response?
- What did Tom reply?
- How did Tom reply?

Senin cevabın neydi?

What was your response?

Senin sorun neydi?

What was your question?

Senin görevin neydi?

What was your mission?

Tom'un suçu neydi?

What was Tom's crime?