Translation of "Binaya" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Binaya" in a sentence and their english translations:

Binaya girmedim.

I didn't enter the building.

- O binaya girme.
- O binaya gitme.

Don't go in that building.

- O binaya girme.
- O binaya girmeyin.

Don't go in that building.

Binaya izinsiz giremezsiniz?

You can't enter the building without a permit.

Linda binaya geldi.

Linda came into the building.

Büyük binaya bakıyorum.

I am looking up at the big building.

Binaya girerken görüldü.

He was seen to enter the building.

Şu binaya bakın.

Look at that building.

Tom binaya gitti.

Tom went into the building.

Tom binaya girmedi.

- Tom didn't enter the building.
- Tom didn't go inside the building.

Binaya nasıl girdiniz?

How did you get into the building?

Bu binaya giremiyorum.

I can't get into this building.

Grup binaya girdi.

The group entered the building.

Tom binaya girdi.

Tom entered the building.

- Şu yüksek binaya bakın.
- Şu yüksek binaya bak.

Look at that tall building.

Binaya bir yabancı girdi.

A stranger came into the building.

Oradaki büyük binaya bak.

Look at the large building over there.

Şu yüksek binaya bakın.

Look at that tall building.

Tom tekrar binaya yürüdü.

Tom walked back into the building.

Öfkeli kalabalık binaya saldırdı.

The angry mob attacked the building.

Şu kırmızı binaya bak.

Look at that red building.

Binaya girmemize izin verilmedi.

We weren't allowed into the building.

O, o binaya bitişiktir.

It's next to that building.

Kasaba birçok yüksek binaya sahip.

- The town has many high buildings.
- The town has many tall buildings.
- That town has many tall buildings.
- There are many tall buildings in that town.

Tom fark edilmeden binaya girdi.

Tom entered the building unnoticed.

Göz yaşartıcı gaz, binaya ateşlendi.

Tear gas was fired into the building.

Sen binaya girdiğinde saat kaçtı?

What time was it when you entered the building?

Ben uçağın binaya çarptığını gördüm.

I saw the plane hit the building.

Bu yönden binaya erişim yok.

There is no access to the building from this direction.

Bu binaya onun adı verildi.

- This building was named after him.
- This building was named in his honor.

Binaya ne zaman girdiğini bilmiyorum.

I don't know when he entered the building.

Tom'un bu binaya girmesi yasaklandı.

Tom is banned from entering this building.

- Yangın, itfaiyeciler gelmeden önce yandaki binaya yayılmıştı.
- İtfaiyeciler gelene kadar yangın bitişik binaya sıçramıştı.
- İtfaiyeciler geldiğinde yangın çoktan yandaki binaya geçmişti.

The fire had spread to the next building before the firemen came.

Binaya giren gizli bir kapı bulduk.

We found a secret door into the building.

Patlama binaya büyük bir hasar verdi.

The explosion did a lot of damage to the building.

Şehir bir sürü yüksek binaya sahip.

- The town has many high buildings.
- The town has many tall buildings.
- That town has many tall buildings.
- There are many tall buildings in that town.

Bu binaya köpek getirmenize izin verilmez.

- You aren't permitted to bring dogs into this building.
- You are not permitted to bring dogs into this building.

Köpekleri bu binaya getirmene izin verilmez.

- You aren't permitted to bring dogs into this building.
- You are not permitted to bring dogs into this building.

Oraya ziyarete gittiğimde ev sahibiyle binaya girdik

When I went to visit there, my host walked me into the building

Neden o binaya girmemize izin verilmediğimizi bulamadık.

We haven't been able to find out why we weren't allowed to enter that building.

Tom ağır bir kutuyu taşıyarak binaya girdi.

Tom came into the building, carrying a heavy box.

Hiç kimsenin bu binaya girmesine izin verilmiyor.

No one is permitted to enter this building.

Şu binaya bakın. O bir tapınak mı?

Look at that building. Is it a temple?

O, binaya girdiğinde, ani bir çığlık sesiyle korkutuldu.

When he entered the building, he was frightened by a sudden cry.

Bu binaya girmek için yetkililerin onayını almak gereklidir.

It is necessary to obtain the sanction of the authorities to enter this building.

Onlar onunla çiftliğin yakınındaki eski bir ahşap binaya yürüdüler.

They walked with him to an old wooden building near the farmhouse.

Görevin Tom, tabii eğer kabul edersen, binaya gizlice girip gizli dökümanları elde etmek. Her zamanki gibi, eğer yakalanır ya da öldürülürsen bakanlık senin eylemlerine dair tüm bilgisini reddecektir. Bu mesaj beş saniye içinde kendini imha edecektir. İyi şanslar Tom.

Your mission, Tom, should you decide to accept it, is to infiltrate the building and get the secret documents. As always, should you be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This message will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Tom.