Translation of "Salí" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Salí" in a sentence and their english translations:


I left.

- Sal.
- Salí.

- Get out.
- I left.
- I went out.

- Salí de la cueva.
- Salí andando de la cueva.
- Salí de la cueva andando.

I walked out of the cave.

Salí con Mary.

I went out with Mary.

No, no salí.

No, I didn't go out.

Salí en bicicleta.

I went out by bicycle.

Salí del taxi.

I got out of the cab.

Cuando salí, estaba despejado.

The sky was clear when I left home.

Salí a buscar comida.

I went out to find food.

Salí con mis amigos.

I went out with my friends.

Salí con mi amigo.

I went out with my friend.

El domingo pasado no salí.

I didn't go out last Sunday.

Salí volando de mi casa.

I rushed out of my house.

Apenas salí, empezó a llover.

- No sooner had I gone out than it began to rain.
- As soon as I went out, it began to rain.

Salí con la calefacción puesta.

I went out with the heater on.

- Salte.
- Sal.
- Salí.
- Salid.
- Salgan.

- Get out.
- Get out!

Salí corriendo de la casa.

I ran out of the house.

Salí con mi dignidad intacta.

I got through with my dignity intact.

Me salí de la película.

I walked out of the movie.

Una vez salí en televisión.

I appeared on television once.

No salí por miedo a resfriarme.

I didn't go out for fear of catching cold.

Llame quien llame, dile que salí.

Whoever calls, tell him I'm out.

Me salí del equipo de béisbol.

I was dropped from the baseball team.

Salí corriendo y cogí un taxi.

I ran out and caught a taxi.

Salí temprano para no llegar tarde.

I left early so as not to be late.

Salí sobre las dos y media.

I left around 2:30.

Salí de casa a las siete.

I left home at seven.

Salí con mi perro a caminar.

I went about with my dog.

- Bajé del taxi.
- Salí del taxi.

I got out of the taxi.

- Salí corriendo a ver que estaba pasando.
- Yo salí corriendo a ver que estaba pasando.

I rushed out to see what was going on.

- Llevo haciéndome pis desde que salí de casa.
- Estoy haciéndome pis desde que salí de casa.

I have been having to piss since I left the house.

Dile que salí a quienquiera que llame.

Whoever telephones, tell him I'm out.

Ayer salí de la casa sin desayunar.

I left home without having breakfast yesterday.

Salí a pesar de que estaba lloviendo.

I went out even though it was raining.

Salí de Nueva York hace dos semanas.

I left New York two weeks ago.

No quería resfriarme, así que no salí.

I didn't want to catch a cold, so I didn't go out.

Salí de Japón hace diez años atrás.

I left Japan ten years ago.

Salí antes, para tomar el primer bus.

I left early to catch the first bus.

Hacía mucho frío, por eso no salí.

I didn't go out because it was very cold.

Anoche salí a cenar con mis amigos.

Last night I went out to dinner with my friends.

Anoche salí a cenar con mi novia.

Last night I went out to dinner with my girfriend.

Ayer salí a caminar por el parque.

Yesterday I went for a walk in the park.

Pero cuando salí de aquello me di cuenta

But when I did come out of it I realized

Yo salí públicamente hace menos de dos años.

I came out publicly less than two years ago.

A quien sea que venga dile que salí.

Tell whoever comes that I'm out.

Le encargué el resto a él y salí.

I left the rest to him and went out.

Salí muy satisfecho de mi visita al médico.

I came out satisfied from my visit to the doctor.

Salí temprano, así pudiera conseguir un buen asiento.

I left early so I could get a good seat.

Dile que salí a quienquiera que llame ahora.

Whoever calls now, tell him I'm not in.

Comí el desayuno rápidamente y salí de casa.

- I had a hasty breakfast and left home.
- I quickly ate breakfast and then left the house.

Salí y vi a Tom en la puerta.

I went outside and saw Tom at the gate.

Y cuando salí de allí, empecé este viaje

And when I left there, I went on this journey,

- ¡Salí de acá rápidamente!
- ¡Rápido, sal de aquí!

Get out of here quickly!

En cuanto a hoy, salí con mis amigos.

As for today, I went out with my friends.

Sea quien sea quien venga, dile que salí.

Whoever comes, tell him I'm out.

Llegó un momento en que salí del marcador cero,

at some point I stopped going nowhere,

Porque cuando salí de la habitación de esa madre,

Because when I walked back out of that mother's room,

Documentando cómo entré y cómo salí de cada país

documenting how I entered and exited each country,

Salí de casa pronto para no perder el tren.

I left home early so I wouldn't miss the train.

Una vez salí en televisión, pero nadie me cree.

I appeared on television once, but nobody believes me.

Lo hice tan bien, que salí en los diarios.

I did it so well that I made it into the newspapers.

Salí pronto del trabajo y volví directo a casa.

I left work early and went straight home.

Una vez que salí de la cultura y el estilo

Once I removed myself from the culture and lifestyle

Salí con unos amigos y bebí más de lo debido.

I went out with friends, drinking more than I should have.

Salí a exponerme porque comencé a pensar sobre la diferencia

I came out because I started thinking about the difference

Sintiendo la casa sacudirse, yo salí corriendo a la calle.

Feeling the house shake, I ran out into the street.

Cuando salí de casa esta mañana, Tom todavía estaba durmiendo.

When I left the house this morning, Tom was still sleeping.