Translation of "Recientemente" in English

0.052 sec.

Examples of using "Recientemente" in a sentence and their english translations:



Recientemente tuve cirugía.

I recently had surgery.

Él murió recientemente.

- He died lately.
- He died recently.

- ¿Habéis visto alguna película recientemente?
- ¿Han visto alguna película recientemente?

Seen any movies lately?

Hemos demostrado recientemente que

we recently showed that

He estado holgazaneando recientemente.

I've been sluggish recently.

¿Qué has hecho recientemente?

- What've you been doing recently?
- What are you up to these days?
- What have you been doing recently?

Recientemente creé una infografía,

I recently created an infographic,

Si viajaron en avión recientemente,

but if you were sitting in an airplane,

Un alto ejecutivo recientemente contratado

a senior executive who has recently been hired

Más recientemente, y bastante emocionante,

Most recently, and quite exciting,

¿Has oído de ella recientemente?

Have you heard from her recently?

He estado muy ocupado recientemente.

I've been so busy recently.

Recientemente hemos tenido varios siniestros.

Recently we have had several disasters.

¿Qué película has visto recientemente?

- What kind of movies have you seen lately?
- What movies have you seen recently?

¿A quién has ayudado recientemente?

Who have you helped recently?

No los he visto recientemente.

I haven't seen them recently.

No lo he visto recientemente.

I have not seen him lately.

Y recientemente volvimos a probarlo.

And we recently tested this out again, right.

Recientemente hemos descubierto que el ayuno,

Recently we discovered that fasting,

Y recientemente me convertí en mamá.

And most recently, I became a mom,

Con la aceleración del transporte recientemente

with the acceleration of transportation recently

Él ha fundado una empresa recientemente.

He set up a company recently.

Ya hemos discutido este asunto recientemente.

We have recently discussed this problem.

Recientemente él encontró un buen trabajo.

He recently found a good job.

La nación declaró recientemente su independencia.

The nation recently declared its independence.

Ellos se mudaron para acá recientemente.

They moved here recently.

Tom se ha vuelto despistado recientemente.

Tom has recently become forgetful.

¿Te has encontrado con él recientemente?

Did you meet him recently?

recientemente fundó un colectivo masculino alternativo

recently founded an alternative men's collective

Acabo de comprar un blog recientemente

I just recently bought a blog

Más recientemente, pistas de un planeta masivo

Now, more recently, hints of a massive planet

Recientemente cumplió 60 años y decidió venderla.

He recently turned 60 and decided to sell this company.

Me había graduado recientemente de la universidad

I had recently graduated from college

Tom ha subido mucho de peso recientemente.

Tom has gained a lot of weight recently.

Tom ha estado enfermo hartas veces recientemente.

Tom has been sick a lot recently.

Entonces encontraría todo el empresas que recientemente

So I would find all the companies that recently

Una pregunta que estudiamos recientemente con MEG fue:

One question that we recently studied with MEG was:

Pew Center se ha unido recientemente al debate.

The Pew Center recently entered the debate.

Hablé con una organización que recientemente había decidido

I talked to an organization who recently decided

recientemente estuviste en el panel de "Planned Parenthood"

You know, you recently went on the board of Planned Parenthood

Las importaciones desde Asia se han expandido recientemente.

The imports from Asian countries have expanded recently.

A Tom recientemente se le diagnosticó artritis reumatoide.

Tom has recently been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.

Se ha encontrado recientemente una extraña criatura marina.

A strange marine creature was found recently.

Pero más recientemente, también hay un tercer grupo.

But more recently, there is also a third group

¿Por qué diablos vendiste tu recientemente construida casa?

Why on earth did you sell your newly built house?

Tom no se ha sentido muy bien recientemente.

Tom hasn't been very well recently.

Tom ha estado tendiendo problemas para dormir recientemente.

Tom has been having trouble sleeping recently.

Pero lo compré de todos los inversores recientemente

but I bought it out from all the investors recently

Enumeran todas las compañías que están financiados recientemente,

They list out all the companies that are recently funded,

Así junto a mi equipo publicamos recientemente un estudio

So my team and I just published a study

Recientemente, he podido empezar a reconstruir mi propia identidad,

Recently, I've been able to begin reconstructing my own identity,

Recientemente, 'Millennium Challenge Corporation' nos dio una tarjeta verde

The Millennium Challenge Corporation recently gave us a green scorecard

Recientemente, este problema de Zoom ha sido extremadamente molesto

recently this Zoom issue has been extremely annoying

Han habido un número de accidentes de tráfico recientemente.

A number of traffic accidents have happened recently.

Pero recientemente, ese bebedero — bueno, tuvo un pequeño refrescamiento.

But recently, that drinking fountain — well it’s got a bit of a facelift.

Recientemente me he acostumbrado a su forma de hablar.

- I have recently become accustomed to his way of speaking.
- Recently, I've gotten used to his way of speaking.

¿Has estado en contacto con el señor White recientemente?

Have you been in contact with Mr White recently?

- Recientemente, han habido señales de que la economía está tomando vuelo.
- Recientemente, ha habido señales de que la economía se está acelerando.

Recently, there have been signs that the economy is picking up steam.

Y recientemente hemos celebrado nuestro mayor éxito a nivel europeo.

And we celebrated our biggest success only recently, at the European level.

Incluso recientemente, los líderes han ordenado registrar casa por casa,

Even recently, the leaders have ordered to search house to house,

Se había casado recientemente y durante la luna de miel

She had just got married, and was on honeymoon,

Y más recientemente, muchos de Uds. conocerán la cirugía robótica,

And more recently, a lot of you will be aware of robotic surgery,

Mozambique frente a la costa este de África. Recientemente sufrió

Mozambique off the east coast of Africa. It recently suffered

Recientemente, ha disminuido la dignidad e importancia del padre japonés.

Recently, the dignity and importance of the Japanese father has diminished.

Recientemente las tiendas cercanas a la escuela cierran los sábados.

Most shops near the school are closed on Saturdays now.

- ¿Has sabido de ella últimamente?
- ¿Has oído de ella recientemente?

Have you heard from her recently?

Recientemente lloro todos los días. El futuro es muy incierto.

Recently, I've been crying every day. I feel too anxious about the future.

Recientemente se han descubierto depósitos ricos en minerales en Afganistán.

Rich mineral deposits have been discovered recently in Afghanistan.

Tom y Mary recientemente compraron una casa en Park Street.

Tom and Mary have recently bought a house on Park Street.

Ha habido un aumento de población recientemente en la ciudad.

There's been a recent gain in the population of the city.

Asumo que te refieres a lo que pasó aquí recientemente.

- I assume you're referring to what happened here recently.
- I assume that you're referring to what happened here recently.

Se ha descubierto recientemente que hay zorros habitando esta montaña.

We found out recently that some foxes live here on this mountain.

Recientemente tuvimos a alguien, Meredith, que está en nuestro personal.

We recently had someone, Meredith, who's on our staff.

Y solo con esa nota, algo que he hecho recientemente

And just on that note, something I've recently done

Dioniso es un dios griego con el que me tropecé recientemente

Dionysus is a Greek god that I stumbled upon recently

Recientemente, hemos explorado un campo mucho más amplio que la matemática

In recent years, we've been digging around a much wider realm of mathematics

Recientemente conocí a médicos en Boston que están diseñando prótesis visuales

I have recently met doctors in Boston who are engineering visual prostheses

Sé paciente con Bob. Sabes, él ha atravesado ratos difíciles recientemente.

Go easy on Bob. You know, he's been going though a rough period recently.

El ministro con el que hablé recientemente está de acuerdo conmigo.

The minister, whom I spoke to recently, agrees with me.

Recientemente salieron a la luz nuevos datos sobre la China antigua.

New facts about ancient China have recently come to light.

Recientemente, estuve pensando en lo que quiero hacer con mi vida.

Recently, I've been thinking about what I want to do with my life.

El programa nuclear iraní ha sido atacado recientemente por software malicioso.

The Iranian nuclear program has just been attacked by malware.

La joyería abierta recientemente se llevó algunos de mis mejores clientes.

The newly-opened jewelry shop took away some of my best customers.

Y recientemente completaron el edificio de madera más grande del mundo.

...and have recently completed the world's largest timber-based building

Recientemente empezamos a probar esta idea en una de las capitales europeas

We recently started to test this idea in one of the European capitals