Translation of "Rastreando" in English

0.019 sec.

Examples of using "Rastreando" in a sentence and their english translations:

Donde estás rastreando todas las visitas.

where you're tracking all the visits.

Están o no rastreando tus páginas.

they even crawling all your pages?

Ya que ningún otro país en el mundo está rastreando generaciones de niños

so, no other country in the world is tracking generations of children

Porque si ni siquiera están rastreando tu sitio, eso significa que no pueden indexarla.

Because if they're not crawling your site, that means they can't index it.

Luego vi al tiburón en la periferia, rastreando su olor. Y pensé: "No, es otra…

Then you just saw the shark swimming on the periphery, picking up her scent. And I thought, "Oh, no, this is this whole...