Translation of "Fijamente" in English

0.019 sec.

Examples of using "Fijamente" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ellos miraron fijamente.

They looked intently.

Todos la miramos fijamente.

All of us stared at her.

Él me miró fijamente.

He fixed his eyes on me.

Miré fijamente al hombre.

I stared at the man.

Y todos me miran fijamente.

And everyone is staring at me.

Contemplamos fijamente el bello paisaje.

We gazed at the beautiful scenery.

Tom miró fijamente a Mary.

Tom stared at Mary.

Y tu tercer ojo mirará fijamente.

And your third eye will stare.

Ellos tan solo me miraban fijamente.

they just stared at me.

Él la miró fijamente con odio.

He stared at her with hatred.

¿Por qué me miras tan fijamente?

Why are you staring at me?

Él le miraba fijamente al escote.

He was staring at her cleavage.

Me senté y lo miré fijamente.

I sat and stared at it.

La miré fijamente a la cara.

I stared her in the face.

Es descortés mirar fijamente a las personas.

It's impolite to stare at people.

Bob me miró a la cara fijamente.

Bob stared me in the face.

Ella le miró fijamente con ojos temerosos.

She stared at him with frightened eyes.

Tom miró fijamente a Mary con odio.

Tom stared at Mary with hatred.

Ellos nos miraron fijamente como diciendo "pobres diablos".

They looked at us, as much as to say, "Poor creature."

Él me miró fijamente y no dijo nada.

He stared at me and said nothing.

No es educado mirar a la gente fijamente.

It isn't polite to stare at people.

Tom miró fijamente su reflejo en la ventana.

- Tom stared at his reflection in the window.
- Tom looked at his reflection in the window.

Ellos interrumpieron su juego y me miraron fijamente.

They stopped their game and stared at me.

Con mirar fijamente una cosa y perderse algo importante?

with looking directly at something and missing blatant activity.

Tom solo está mirando fijamente la pantalla del ordenador.

Tom is just staring at the computer screen.

Me preguntaba por qué las personas me miraban fijamente.

I wondered why people stared at me.

Tom continuó mirando fijamente a la pantalla en blanco.

Tom continued staring at the blank screen.

Tom se preguntaba por qué todos lo miraban fijamente.

Tom wondered why everyone was staring at him.

Es de mala educación mirar fijamente a la gente.

It isn't polite to stare at people.

Tom miraba fijamente a la pantalla del ordenador en blanco.

Tom stared at the blank computer screen.

Si usted mira fijamente el cielo, se perderá el objetivo.

If you stare at the sky, you'll miss the target.

El perro que me está mirando fijamente es muy mono.

The dog that's staring at me is so cute.

Son esas cosas que miran fijamente frente a tu cara

it's those things that stare at you in front of your face

- Ella le miró con odio.
- Ella lo miró fijamente con odio.

She stared at him with hatred.

Tom y Mary se miraron fijamente el uno al otro con odio.

Tom and Mary stared at each other with hatred.

- Contemplamos fijamente el bello paisaje.
- Nos quedamos atónitos ante el bello panorama.

We gazed at the beautiful scenery.

Y amaba usarlos para mirar intencional y fijamente a los ojos de otras personas.

and she loved using them to gaze intently into other people's eyes.

"No puedo pensar con ese ruido," dijo ella, mirando fijamente su máquina de escribir.

"I can't think with that noise," she said, as she stared at the typewriter.

Tom sencillamente se paró ahí y veía como María se miraba fijamente al espejo.

Tom just stood there watching Mary staring at herself in the mirror.

Una vez, Cristóbal Colón miró fijamente a Medusa, y Medusa se convirtió en piedra.

Christopher Columbus once stared at Medusa, and Medusa turned to stone.

Me he preguntado mucho tiempo por qué Tom siempre me miraba fijamente con el ceño fruncido.

I've wondered for a long time why Tom would always stare at me with a frown on his face.

Tom se sentó mirando fijamente al pez tropical que revoloteaba en el acuario en su habitación.

Tom sat staring at the tropical fish swimming around in the aquarium in his bedroom.

- La gente no debería mirar fijamente a los extranjeros.
- La gente no debería tijerear a los foráneos.

People shouldn't stare at foreigners.

Pensaba que el niño pequeño que miraba fijamente al extranjero y le señalaba con el dedo era muy grosero.

I thought the little boy who was staring and pointing at the foreigner was very rude.

Una vez que volví a abrir mis ojos, Amina me miraba fijamente desde el fondo de su vaso de cerveza.

Once I opened my eyes again, Amina was staring at me through the bottom of her beer glass.

Mientras le traía el traje a Dima, la dependienta se percató de que tenía manchas de sangre en su camisa, y no pudo por menos que mirarlas fijamente con turbación.

As she fetched Dima the suit, the shopkeeper noticed smears of blood on his shirt, and couldn't help but stare in shock.