Translation of "¡pronto" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "¡pronto" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Ven pronto.
- Vente pronto.
- Ven pronto aquí.

Come here soon.

- Regresa pronto.
- Vuelve pronto.

- Come back soon.
- Come back soon!



- Volveré pronto.
- Yo regresaré pronto.
- Voy a volver pronto.

- I will be back soon.
- I'll be back soon.
- I'll come back soon.
- I'll be back in a little bit.
- I'll return soon.

Más pronto comiences, más pronto terminas.

Sooner begun, sooner done.

- Te escribo pronto.
- Te escribiré pronto.

- I will write to you soon.
- I'll write to you soon.

- Va a volver pronto.
- Volverá pronto.

- He will be back soon.
- He will come back soon.
- He will soon come back.
- He'll be back soon.
- He will soon be back.

- Llegaste demasiado pronto.
- Has venido demasiado pronto.
- Tú llegaste demasiado pronto.

You've come too early.

- Has venido demasiado pronto.
- Habéis venido demasiado pronto.
- Ha venido demasiado pronto.
- Han venido demasiado pronto.

You've come too early.

Voy pronto.

I'm going soon.

Pronto descansaremos.

We will take a rest soon.

¡Escríbeme pronto!

- Do write to me soon!
- Write soon!

Volverá pronto.

- He will get back soon.
- He will come back soon.

Bajará pronto.

He will come down soon.

Prepárate pronto.

Get ready quickly.

Regrese pronto.

- Come here soon.
- Hurry back.

Traelo pronto.

Bring it over soon.

Regresa pronto.

Come back soon.

Pronto amanecerá.

Day will break soon.

¡Iremos pronto!

We're leaving soon!

Llegamos pronto.

- We'll be there soon.
- We'll get there soon.

Hasta pronto.

- See you soon!
- See you soon.

Entenderás pronto.

You'll understand soon.

Llegó pronto.

He came soon.

Hablemos pronto.

Let's talk soon.

Volveré pronto.

- I will be back soon.
- I'll come back soon.

Vuelve pronto.

Come soon.

Pronto lloverá.

- It is going to rain soon.
- It's going to rain soon.

¡Hasta pronto!

- See you soon!
- See you soon.
- See you next time!
- See you!

Morirás pronto.

You'll die soon.

Pronto moriré.

- I'm about to die.
- I'm dying.

Terminará pronto.

It'll be over soon.

- ¡Pronto!
- ¡Rápido!

Hurry up.

Secará pronto.

It'll be dry soon.

- ¡Hasta luego!
- ¡Hasta pronto!
- Te veré pronto.

- See you soon!
- See you soon.
- I'll see you soon.

- Ocurrirá pronto.
- Ocurrirá en breve.
- Pasará pronto.

It'll happen soon.

- Ella se aliviará pronto.
- Ella se recuperará pronto.
- Ella se mejorará pronto.

She will get well soon.

- Volveré pronto.
- Volveré en seguida.
- Yo regresaré pronto.
- Pronto estaré de vuelta.

- I will be back soon.
- It will not be long before I come back.
- I'll be back soon.
- I'll come back soon.
- I'll be back shortly.
- I'll return shortly.

- Pronto, Tom sabrá nadar.
- Tom podrá nadar pronto.

Tom will be able to swim soon.

- Diviértete y vuelve pronto.
- Divertite y volvé pronto.

Have fun and come back soon.

- Tenés que empezar pronto.
- Tenés que comenzar pronto.

You must start soon.

- Volveré pronto.
- Vuelvo en seguida.
- Yo regresaré pronto.

- I will be back soon.
- I'll be back soon.
- I'll come back soon.
- I'll be back right away.

- Espero verte pronto.
- Espero que nos veamos pronto.

I hope to see you soon.

- Espero verte pronto.
- Espero volver a verte pronto.

- I hope to see you soon.
- I hope I'll see you again soon.
- I hope to see you again before long.
- I hope to see you again soon.

- Pronto iremos a visitarle.
- Pronto iremos a visitarte.

We'll visit you soon.

- Ella se recuperará pronto.
- Ella se mejorará pronto.

She will get well soon.

- Volveré pronto.
- Vuelve enseguida.
- Voy a volver pronto.

- I will be back soon.
- I'll come back soon.

- ¡Te recuperarás pronto!
- Creo que te recuperarás pronto.

I believe you'll get over it soon.

- La primavera llegará pronto.
- Pronto vendrá la primavera.

- Spring will soon come.
- Spring is just around the corner.
- Spring will be here soon.
- It will be spring soon.
- It'll be spring soon.

Y muy pronto

Then soon after,

Lo entenderás pronto

You'll understand soon

Deberíamos salir pronto.

We should be out soon.

Te recuperarás pronto.

- You'll get well soon.
- You will soon get well.

Te alcanzaré pronto.

I'll catch up with you soon.

Probablemente venga pronto.

Probably he will come soon.

Él vendrá pronto.

He will come soon.

Llegas demasiado pronto.

You've arrived too early.

Llegas pronto, ¿no?

You are early.

Espero verte pronto.

I hope I can see you soon.

Te veré pronto.

I'll see you soon.

Necesitamos charlar pronto.

We need to chat soon.

Nos hablamos pronto.

We are going to talk in a little while.

Lo actualizaré pronto.

I'll update it soon.

Estará listo pronto.

It will be ready soon.

Suelo levantarme pronto.

- I'm used to getting up early.
- I'm used to keeping early hours.

Pronto estarán casados.

- They'll soon be married.
- You will soon be married.

Pronto lo descubriremos.

We'll soon find out.

Pronto será septiembre.

It will soon be September.

Deberías levantarte pronto.

You should get up early.

La olvidé pronto.

I soon forgot it.

Es demasiado pronto.

- It's too early.
- It's too soon.

Se fue pronto.

She left early.