Translation of "Poznaj" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Poznaj" in a sentence and their english translations:

Poznaj wroga, poznaj też samego siebie.

Know yourself as well as your enemy.

Poznaj siebie.

Know yourself.

Poznaj moich rodziców.

Let me introduce you to my parents.

Poznaj jego kontury, sprostaj dziennikowi serca.

Learn its contours, show up to the journal of your hearts.

Poznaj siebie, planuj teraz, nie czekaj, zapobiegaj.

Know yourself, plan now, don't wait, be proactive.

Mapy Google Poznaj Gombe na

Google Maps Explore Gombe at

Człowieku, poznaj samego siebie. To źródło rozmaitej wiedzy.

Man, know thyself. All wisdom centers there.