Translation of "Oto" in English

0.061 sec.

Examples of using "Oto" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Oto co znalazłem.
- Oto co znalazłam.

This is what I found.

- Oto pana rachunek.
- Oto pani rachunek.

There's your receipt.

Oto on.

There's our guy.

Oto jest!

There we go.

Oto kolejny.

This is another one.

Oto pociąg.

Here comes the train.

Oto ona!

Here she is!

Oto komunizm.

This is communism.

Oto rachunek.

- Here is the bill.
- Here's the bill.

Oto reszta.

Here's the change.

Oto komunikat.

That's the message.

Oto nowości.

That's the news.

Oto numer.

That's the number.

Oto propozycja.

That's the offer.

Oto plan.

- Here's the plan.
- That's the plan.

Oto impreza.

That's the arrangement.

Oto odpowiedź.

That's the answer.

Oto zdjęcie.

This is a picture.

Oto sposób.

Here's one way.

Oto portfel.

Here's my wallet.

Oto kot.

There is a cat.

Oto Tatoeba.

- This is Tatoeba.
- Here is Tatoeba.

Oto Blanka Vlašić.

This is Blanka Vlašić:

Oto moja historia.

So, that is… that is my story.

Oto moja szansa.

Now, here's my opportunity.

Oto co odkryliśmy.

This is what we found.

Oto nasza szkoła.

That is our school.

Oto mój portfel.

Here's my wallet.

Oto mój klucz.

Here is my key.

Oto trochę wody.

Here's some water.

Oto mój statek.

This is my ship.

Oto jest pytanie.

The question is this.

Oto jest jabłko.

It's a fruit.

Oto żółta róża.

Here's a yellow rose.

Oto wschodnia Ukraina.

This is eastern Ukraine.

Oto, co namalował.

- This is what he painted.
- It's what he painted.

Oto pańskie klucze.

Here are your keys.

Oto co zrobię.

Here's what I'll do.

A oto powód.

And here's the reason.

Oto co znaleźliśmy.

This is what we found.

Oto co znalazłem.

This is what I found.

Oto jest plan.

Here's the plan.

Oto nasza praca.

That's our job.

Oto nasz handel.

That's our business.

Oto nasza polityka.

That's our policy.

Dobra, oto wniosek.

This is the bottom line.

A oto praca!

There you go!

Oto twoje zamówienie.

Here's your order.

Oto moja karta.

Here's my card.

Oto, co nam wyszło.

Here's how that worked out.

Lata później oto jestem,

So years later, here I am,

Oto szata przywódcy Klanu!

This is the robe of the Klan leader!

Oto przykład dzieła sztuki,

Here's an example of a work of art

Oto prawdziwy człowiek czynu.

He is what is called a man of action.

- To ja.
- Oto ja.

- It's me.
- It's me!

Oto koszyk pełen owoców.

Here's a basket full of fruit.

Oto dlaczego musimy zostać.

That's why we have to stay.

Oto książka, której szukasz.

- Here is the book you are looking for.
- This is the book you are looking for.
- This is the book that you're looking for.
- This is the book you're looking for.

Oto długopis dla pana.

Here's a pen for you to use.

Oto twój kawałek ciasta.

Here is your share of the cake.

Oto pewien rodzaj jedzenia.

This is a kind of food.

Oto dlaczego go zwolnił.

This is why I fired him.

Oto twój mundurek kelnerki.

This is your waitress uniform.

Oto trzy rożne typy łazików.

So here we even have three different rovers.

- Oto Tokio.
- Tam jest Tokio.

- There is Tokyo.
- There's Tokyo.

Oto mężczyzna, na którego czekałam.

This is the man for whom I have been waiting.

Oto dom, w którym mieszka.

- This is the house in which he lives.
- This is the house where he lives.

Państwo pozwolą, oto p. Johnson.

May I present Mr Johnson to you?

Oto najpiękniejszy kwiat w ogrodzie.

This is the most beautiful flower in the garden.

Oto wszystko co on powiedział.

That is all that he said.

A oto i panna młoda!

Here comes the bride!

Oto dzwon zwany Big Ben.

This is the bell called Big Ben.

Gotów lub nie, oto jestem.

Ready or not, here I come.

- Być albo nie być, oto jest pytanie.
- Być, albo nie być, oto jest pytanie.

- To be or not to be, that is the question.
- To be, or not to be: that is the question.

Oto jak można wykorzystać ten sposób.

Here's how you can make this strategy work for yourself.

Oto mały fragment jednego z połączeń.

So here's an example, just a snippet of one of our calls.

I tak oto kroczy, idzie dwunożnie.

And off she goes, striding away, walking bipedally.

Oto nasz nauczyciel. Idzie bardzo powoli.

There comes our teacher. He is walking very slowly.

- Oto i życie!
- Dobrze jest żyć!

This is life!

Oto miasto, w którym się urodził.

This is the town where he was born.

Oto szpital, w którym się urodziłem.

Here is the hospital where I was born.

Tak oto właśnie wynalazł to urządzenie.

That's how he invented the machine.

Oto gra wideo ucząca tego samego.

Now here's a video game teaching that very same content.

- Patrz, idzie!
- A oto i ona!

There she comes.