Translation of "Rivedrò" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Rivedrò" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Ti rivedrò?
- Vi rivedrò?
- La rivedrò?

Am I going to see you again?

- Li rivedrò.
- Le rivedrò.

I'm going to see them again.

- Non li rivedrò.
- Non le rivedrò.

I won't see them again.

Lo rivedrò.

I'm going to see him again.

La rivedrò.

I'm going to see her again.

- Non li rivedrò più.
- Non le rivedrò più.

I won't see them anymore.

Lo rivedrò lunedì.

I'm seeing him again on Monday.

La rivedrò lunedì.

I'm seeing her again on Monday.

Non lo rivedrò.

I won't see him again.

Lunedì prossimo rivedrò Tom.

I'll be seeing Tom again next Monday.

Forse non ti rivedrò mai più.

- I may never see you again.
- Perhaps I will never see you again.

Quel gong non lo rivedrò mai più.

I won't see that gong anymore.

Controllavo ogni giorno che stesse bene, chiedendomi: "È l'ultimo giorno? Non la rivedrò?" GIORNO 134

I was just checking every day to see if she was okay, wondering, "Is this the last day? Am I not gonna see her?"