Translation of "Autodach" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Autodach" in a sentence and their english translations:

Das Autodach wurde von den Schneemassen eingedellt.

The roof of the car was dented under the weight of the snow.

- Tom hat sich den Kopf am Autodach gestoßen.
- Tom ist mit dem Kopf gegen das Autodach gestoßen.

- Tom bumped his head on the roof of the car.
- Tom hit his head on the roof of the car.

Tom hat sich den Kopf am Autodach gestoßen.

- Tom bumped his head on the roof of the car.
- Tom bumped his head on the ceiling of the car.
- Tom hit his head on the roof of the car.

- Tom hat sich den Kopf am Autodach gestoßen.
- Tom hat sich den Kopf am Dach seines Autos gestoßen.
- Tom ist mit dem Kopf gegen das Autodach gestoßen.

- Tom bumped his head on the roof of the car.
- Tom hit his head on the roof of the car.