Translation of "Retira" in English

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Retira" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Il retira son manteau.
- Il retira son pardessus.

He took off his overcoat.

Elle retira son manteau.

She took off her coat.

Il retira quelques pièces.

He took out some coins.

Il retira ses lunettes.

He took off his glasses.

Tom retira ses gants.

Tom removed his gloves.

Tom retira son chapeau.

- Tom took off his hat.
- Tom took his hat off.

Il retira sa chemise.

- He removed his shirt.
- He took off his shirt.

Layla retira son voile.

Layla took off her hijab.

Il retira son manteau.

He took off his overcoat.

- Il retira son manteau.
- Il retira son pardessus.
- Il enleva son manteau.

He took off his coat.

Le chirurgien retira l'appendice du patient.

The surgeon took out his patient's appendix.

Elle retira les papiers du bureau.

She removed the papers from the desk.

Il retira ses lunettes de soleil.

He removed his sunglasses.

Il retira ce qu'il avait dit d'elle.

He took back what he had said about her.

Il retira sa main de la table.

He withdrew his hand from the table.

Tom retira la bague de son doigt.

Tom took the ring off his finger.

Elle retira ses lunettes et mit ses lentilles.

She took off her glasses and put her contacts in.

Il se retira dans sa chambre après dîner.

He retired to his own room after supper.

Il retira son manteau parce qu'il faisait chaud.

He took the coat off because it was warm.

La foule se retira et le laissa passer.

The crowd gave way and let him pass.

Mary retira sa robe alla prendre une douche.

Mary slipped off her robe and got into the shower.

Elle retira son anneau et le lui jeta.

She took her ring off and threw it at him.

Elle retira ses vieilles chaussures et passa les nouvelles.

She took off her old shoes and put on the new ones.

- Il retira son chapeau.
- Il a retiré son chapeau.

He took off his hat.

- Mary retira son collier.
- Mary a retiré son collier.

- Mary took her necklace off.
- Mary took off her necklace.

- Tom retira sa ceinture.
- Tom a retiré sa ceinture.

- Tom took off his belt.
- Tom took his belt off.

Tom retira son alliance et la jeta dans l'étang.

Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.

Tom retira son manteau et l'accrocha (au porte-manteaux).

Tom took off his coat and hung it up.

- Il retira ses lunettes.
- Il a retiré ses lunettes.

He took off his glasses.

- Tom retira sa chemise.
- Tom a retiré sa chemise.

- Tom took his shirt off.
- Tom took off his shirt.
- Tom removed his shirt.

- Mary retira son casque.
- Mary a retiré son casque.

- Mary took off her helmet.
- Mary removed her helmet.

Le lendemain matin, Bernadotte retira ses hommes sans ordre et ,

The next morning Bernadotte pulled  his men back without orders,  

Craignant une contre-attaque turque, il se retira à Constantinople.

Fearing a Turkish counter-attack, he withdrew to Constantinople.

- Tom ne retira pas son chapeau.
- Tom n'enleva pas son chapeau.

- Tom didn't take his hat off.
- Tom didn't take off his hat.

Tom retira ses vêtements et les mit dans la machine à laver.

Tom took his clothes off and put them into the washing machine.

- Il enleva la bague de son doigt.
- Il retira l'alliance de son doigt.

He took the ring off his finger.

Moreau était exilé; Macdonald fut placé sous surveillance policière et se retira dans sa

Moreau was exiled; Macdonald was placed under police surveillance, and retired to his country

Il se retira dans sa ville natale où il a vécu une vie paisible.

He retired to his hometown, where he lived a quiet life.

Tom retira les draps du lit et les mit à la machine à laver.

Tom took the sheets off the bed and put them into the washing machine.

- Il retira sa chemise.
- Il a ôté sa chemise.
- Il a retiré sa chemise.

He took off his shirt.

- Elle retira ses vêtements.
- Elle a retiré ses vêtements.
- Elle a ôté ses vêtements.

She took off her clothes.

- Tom ôta son pardessus.
- Tom quitta son paletot.
- Tom enleva son manteau.
- Thomas retira son manteau.

- Tom took off his coat.
- Tom removed his coat.
- Tom took off his overcoat.

Mais se retira de la vie publique en 1830, après le renversement de la monarchie des Bourbons.

but retired from public life in 1830, following  the overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy.

- Elle a retiré son anneau et le lui a jeté.
- Elle retira son anneau et le lui jeta.

She took her ring off and threw it at him.

- Elle retira sa chemise.
- Elle ôta sa chemise.
- Elle a ôté sa chemise.
- Elle a retiré sa chemise.

She removed her shirt.

- Il retira ses vêtements.
- Il ôta ses vêtements.
- Il a retiré ses vêtements.
- Il a ôté ses vêtements.

He took off her clothes.

Elle retira les 12 000 euros sur son compte professionnel, plus 2 000 autres sur ses économies personnelles.

She withdrew the 12 000 euros from her business account, as well as 2 000 from her personal savings.

Mais Soult marcha vers le nord avec 20 000 hommes, capturant Badajoz… mais se retira en recevant la nouvelle

yet Soult marched north with 20,000 men, capturing Badajoz… but withdrew on receiving news

- Elle retira ses vêtements.
- Elle ôta ses vêtements.
- Elle a retiré ses vêtements.
- Elle a ôté ses vêtements.
- Elle enleva ses vêtements.

She took off her clothes.

- Layla a retiré son hijab.
- Layla retira son hijab.
- Layla retira son voile.
- Layla a enlevé son hijab.
- Layla a enlevé son voile.
- Layla enleva son hijab.
- Layla enleva son voile.
- Layla a ôté son hijab.
- Layla a ôté son voile.
- Layla ôta son hijab.
- Layla ôta son voile.

Layla took off her hijab.

- Il tomba la chemise.
- Il retira sa chemise.
- Il a ôté sa chemise.
- Il a retiré sa chemise.
- Il a tombé la chemise.

He removed his shirt.

- Elle retira ses vêtements.
- Elle ôta ses vêtements.
- Elle a retiré ses vêtements.
- Elle a ôté ses vêtements.
- Elle se défit.
- Elle se dévêtit.

She took off her clothes.

- Elle ôta ses lunettes de soleil.
- Elle a ôté ses lunettes de soleil.
- Elle retira ses lunettes de soleil.
- Elle a retiré ses lunettes de soleil.

She removed her sunglasses.

- Il retira ses lunettes de soleil.
- Il ôta ses lunettes de soleil.
- Il a retiré ses lunettes de soleil.
- Il a ôté ses lunettes de soleil.

He removed his sunglasses.