Translation of "Brulé" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Brulé" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tom s'est brulé.

- Tom got burned.
- Tom burned himself.

J'ai brulé le papier.

I burned the paper.

Le chien est mort brulé.

The dog was burnt to death.

L'automobiliste a brulé le feu rouge.

The driver ignored the stoplight.

Il est mort brulé dans cet incendie.

He was burned to death in the fire.

Dans la cuisine quelque chose sent le brulé.

I smell something burning in the kitchen.

Son t-shirt était d'une couleur orange brulé.

His T-shirt was a burnt orangish colour.

La maison a entièrement brulé avant l'arrivée des pompiers.

- Before the fire engine arrived, the whole house was burnt down.
- The house burned to the ground before the fire truck arrived.

- Tom s'est brulé.
- Tom a eu un coup de soleil.

- Tom got sunburned.
- Tom got burned.