Translation of "Approfondi" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Approfondi" in a sentence and their english translations:

Et approfondi

And deepened

Soumis à un examen approfondi.

then subjected to an intensive review.

Nous avons approfondi notre amitié.

We deepened our friendship.

Vous avez approfondi les trous.

You made the holes deeper.

Elles n'ont pas approfondi les trous.

They did not deepen the holes.

Tu n'as pas approfondi les trous.

You haven't deepened the holes.

Plus détaillé, approfondi articles ou vidéos exclusives.

more detailed, thorough articles or exclusive videos.

Il me plairait de passer un examen médical approfondi.

I'd like to have a medical examination.

Le programme de cette école est vaste et peu approfondi.

The curriculum of this school is wide and shallow.

La déclaration semble logique, mais sous un examen plus approfondi, elle s'effondre.

The statement seems to make sense, but under further scrutiny, it falls apart.

Leur mission était de donner au nouveau vaisseau spatial Apollo un shakedown approfondi.

Their mission was to give the new Apollo spacecraft a thorough shakedown.