Translation of "'were'" in Turkish

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "'were'" in a sentence and their turkish translations:

- We were incorrect.
- We were wrong.
- We were mistaken.

Biz hatalıydık.

- They were moved.
- They were thrilled.
- They were excited.

Onlar taşınmıştı.

- They were fine.
- They were alright.
- They were all right.

Onlar iyiydiler.

- We were successful!
- We were successful.

Biz başarılıydık.

- You were right.
- You were correct.

Sen haklıydın.

- Were you unhappy?
- Were you miserable?

Sen sefil miydin?

- You were asleep.
- You were sleeping.


- You were saying...?
- You were saying?

Söylüyor muydun?

- They were killed.
- They were murdered.

- Onlar öldürüldü.
- Öldürüldüler.

- Were you scared?
- Were you frightened?

Korktun mu?

- They were frightened.
- They were scared.

- Onlar korkmuştu.
- Korkmuşlardı.

- Three were wounded.
- Three were injured.

Üçü yaralandı.

- We were thrilled.
- We were excited.

Biz heyecanlıydık.

- They were thrilled.
- They were excited.

Onlar heyecanlıydı.

- We were worried.
- We were concerned.

Biz endişeliydik.

- We were incorrect.
- We were wrong.


- You were mistaken.
- You were wrong.

- Hatalıydın.
- Siz hatalıydınız.
- Sen hatalıydın.

- You were excellent.
- You were terrific.


Some were farmers, some were hunters.

Bazıları çiftçi, bazıları avcıydı.

- We were happy.
- We were exhilarated.

Biz coşkuluyduk.

Were restored.

yeniden sağlandı.

Were heartbreaking.

içler acısıydı.

Paints were peeling, there were cracks everywhere.

boyalar soyulmuştu, her yerde çatlaklar vardı.

- All were happy.
- They were all happy.

Hepsi mutluydu.

There were few passengers who were safe.

Güvende olan birkaç yolcu vardı.

Their clothes were blue, ours were white.

Onların giysileri maviydi, bizimkilerse beyaz.

You were not interrogated today, were you?

Bugün sorguya çekilmedin, değil mi?

- We were having fun.
- We were cheerful.

Biz eğleniyorduk.

We were poor, but we were happy.

Biz fakirdik, ama mutluyduk.

Some people were sunbathing, others were swimming.

Bazı insanlar güneşleniyordu, diğerleri yüzüyordu.

- We were too late.
- We were late.

Biz geç kaldık.

- Three people were injured.
- Three were injured.

Üç kişi yaralandı.

- You were right.
- You guys were right.

Siz haklıydınız.

We were as surprised as you were.

Biz senin kadar şaşırdık.

"Were you thirsty?" "No, we were hungry."

"Susadınız mı" "Hayır, açtık."

- The results were astounding.
- The results were amazing.
- The results were surprising.

Sonuçlar şaşırtıcıydı.

- We were both tired.
- We both were tired.
- Both of us were tired.

İkimiz de yorgunduk.

Those were the years when they were happiest.

Onlar en mutlu oldukları yıllardı.

Even though they were poor, they were happy.

Fakir olmalarına rağmen, onlar mutluydu.

They were three and they were all armed.

Onlar üç kişiydi ve hepsi silahlıydı.

Although they were not guilty, they were charged.

- Suçlu olmamalarına rağmen cezalandırıldılar.
- Suçlu olmamalarına rağmen, itham edildiler.

- Her teeth were white.
- His teeth were white.

Onun dişleri beyazdı.

- We were all shocked.
- We were all stunned.

Hepimiz şok olduk.

- What color were they?
- What colour were they?

Onlar ne renkti?

- Those were the days!
- Those were the days.

Hey gidi günler.

- We were so close.
- We were so close!

Biz çok yakındık.

- Her friends were jealous.
- His friends were jealous.

Onun arkadaşları kıskançtı.

What singers were popular when you were young?

Sen gençken hangi şarkıcılar popülerdi?

What bands were popular when you were young?

Sen gençken hangi gruplar popülerdi?

- Three people were wounded.
- Three people were injured.

Üç insan yaralandı.

- How many were wounded?
- How many were injured?

Kaç kişi yaralandı?

- They were very grateful.
- They were very appreciative.

Onlar çok minnettardı.

Some people were kind and others were unkind.

Bazı kişiler kibardı ve diğerleri kabaydı.

- You were never alone.
- They were never alone.

Asla yalnız değildin.

You were never very happy here, were you?

Burada asla çok mutlu değildin, değil mi?

We were all wondering why you were late.

Hepimiz,neden geç kaldığın konusunda endişeliyiz.

- Why were you yelling?
- Why were you shouting?

Neden bağırıyordun?

- They were after him.
- They were after her.

Onlar ondan sonraydı.

- His clothes were used.
- Her clothes were used.

Onun giysileri eskiydi.

- The doors were closed.
- The gates were closed.

Kapılar kapalıydı.

What were you like when you were fifteen?

On beş yaşındayken nasıl biriydin?

- They were sleeping.
- They slept.
- They were asleep.

Onlar uyuyorlardı.

How old were you when you were adopted?

Evlat edinildiğin zaman kaç yaşındaydın?

- Were you guys serious?
- Were you all serious?

Siz ciddi miydiniz?

Where were you guys? We were very worried.

Nerede kaldınız? Meraktan öldük.

- We weren't aware we were being recorded.
- We weren't aware that we were being recorded.
- We were unaware we were being recorded.
- We were unaware that we were being recorded.

Kayda alındığımızın farkında değildik.

- They were cousins.
- They were first cousins.
- They were male and female first cousins.

Onlar kuzendiler.

We were happy!

mutluyduk be!

We were meeting

yahu biz buluşuyorduk

Casualties were high.

Kayıplar ağırdı

Competitions were held

yarışmalar düzenleniyordu

We were surprised.


Supplies were cheap.

Erzak falan ucuzdu.

Episode that were

Bu bölümde duyduğunuz diğer ses

Were not mine.

benim değildi.

All were silent.

Hepsi sessizdi.

None were satisfied.

Hiçbiri memnun değildi.

All were present.

Hepimiz mevcuttuk.

We were right.

- Biz haklıydık.
- Haklıydık.

They were satisfied.

Onlar memnundu.

They were busy.

Onlar meşgullerdi.

Where were we?

Nerede kalmıştık?

We were friends.

Biz dosttuk.

Many were slain.

Birçoğu öldürüldü.

We were outnumbered.

- Biz sayıca azdık.
- Sayıca fazlaydık.

They were naive.

Onlar saftı.

They were panting.

- Onlar hızlı hızlı soluyorlardı.
- Nefes nefese kalmışlardı.
- Soluk soluğa kalmışlardı.
- Nefes nefeseydiler.

You were perfect.


They were unimpressed.

Onlar etkilenmemişti.

Were you crying?

Ağlıyor muydun?

Were you successful?

Başarılı mıydın?

You were fantastic.

Sen harikaydın.

You were late.

Geç kaldın.