Translation of "Threatening" in Spanish

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Threatening" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

As a threatening monster,

Como un monstruo amenazador,

The sky looks threatening.

El cielo luce amenazante.

Are you threatening me?

¿Me estás amenazando?

It is threatening to rain.

Amenaza con llover.

Was this man threatening you?

¿Este hombre te estaba amenazando?

Tom gave Mary a threatening look.

Tom lanzó una mirada amenazante a Mary.

Stop threatening inanimate objects, they can't hear you.

Para de amenazar a objetos inanimados, no pueden oírte.

Threatening me is useless, I won't say anything.

Es inútil amenazarme, no diré nada.

Human greed is threatening the existence of many species.

La avaricia humana amenaza la existencia de muchas especies.

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Blogger are threatening our life.

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube y Blogger ponen en peligro nuestra vida.

And that artificial intelligence is threatening us. I don't know,

y que la inteligencia artificial nos va amenazando, qué sé yo...

No point in threatening me. I'll still tell you nothing.

No tiene caso amenazarme. Incluso así no te diré nada.

If he keeps threatening you, then you should go to the police.

Si él te sigue amenazando, entonces deberías ir donde la policía.

The labor unions had been threatening the government with a general strike.

Los sindicatos habían amenazado al gobierno con una huelga general.

Army-backed purge of pro-royalist politicians,  threatening to restore the French monarchy.

purga respaldada por el ejército de políticos pro-realistas, que amenazaba con restaurar la monarquía francesa.

He felt that threatening such a prominent area, inhabited by Roman citizens, would either

Sintió que amenazar a un prominente área, habitada por ciudadanos romanos,

Countries that will drown in the ocean, including countries that are most threatening to

países que se ahogarán en el océano, incluidos los países que más amenazan con

threatening to kill the earth propelled by gases that are the deadly weapon for it

amenazar con matar la tierra propulsada por gases que son el arma mortal para ella