Translation of "Restrain" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Restrain" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Restrain your impulses.

Modere usted sus ímpetus.

I couldn't restrain a smile.

No pude aguantarme una sonrisa.

You should learn to restrain yourself.

Usted debe aprender a contenerse.

He could no longer restrain himself.

Ya no pudo contenerse.

He tried to restrain his anger.

Intentó contener su ira.

And I realized this social restrain we have regarding sex.

Y me di cuenta de este freno social que tenemos hacia el sexo.

And I noticed that his friends had to restrain him

Y me di cuenta de que los amigos tuvieron que contenerlo

- Tom couldn't restrain his anger.
- Tom couldn't contain his anger.

- Tom no pudo contener su rabia.
- Tom no podía contener su rabia.

He was so funny at the party that I simply couldn't restrain my laughter.

Él fue tan gracioso en la fiesta que simplemente no pude contener la risa.

Before the horse race begins, the jockeys grip the reins tightly to restrain the impatient horses.

Antes de que la carrera de caballos comience, el jinete coge las riendas con firmeza para controlar a los caballos ansiosos.

As Caesar did not wish to commence a battle by a sudden charge he tried to restrain the

Como César no deseaba comenzar una batalla por una carga repentina trató de contener el