Translation of "Mainly" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Mainly" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

It mainly affects children.

Afecta principalmente a los niños.

Poverty mainly affects women worldwide.

La pobreza tiene cara de mujer a nivel mundial.

Mainly, though, we get sick.

Por lo general, nos enfermamos.

This episode is mainly about:

Este episodio trata principalmente sobre:

Seagulls are mainly coastal birds.

Las gaviotas son aves principalmente costeras.

His illness was mainly psychological.

Su enfermedad era principalmente psicológica.

They mainly grow passion fruit.

Cultivan principalmente maracuyá

They mainly live on milk.

Viven principalmente a base de leche.

It's mainly used for advertising

es usado principalmente para publicidad

The audience consisted mainly of students.

El público consistía principalmente de estudiantes.

He worked mainly as a freelancer.

Él trabajo principalmente por cuenta propia.

The Japanese live mainly on rice.

Los japoneses comen arroz principalmente.

It was mainly through internal links.

Fue principalmente a través de enlaces internos.

- The air mainly consists of oxygen and nitrogen.
- Air is mainly composed of nitrogen and oxygen.
- Air is composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.

- El aire está constituido principalmente de oxígeno y nitrógeno.
- El aire está compuesto principalmente de nitrógeno y oxígeno.

- The air mainly consists of oxygen and nitrogen.
- Air is mainly composed of nitrogen and oxygen.

- El aire está formado por oxigeno y nitrógeno.
- El aire está constituido principalmente de oxígeno y nitrógeno.
- El aire básicamente está compuesto de oxígeno y nitrógeno.

And that's mainly thanks to health regulations

y esto se debe, en buena medida, gracias a las regulaciones sanitarias

Mainly from women in low wage industries.

Principalmente de mujeres en industrias de bajos salarios.

It can't be explained, mainly because it's intangible.

No se lo podés explicar porque es intangible, más que nada.

At that time it was mainly immigrants who

En ese momento eran principalmente inmigrantes los que

It’s called coca and it mainly grows here.

Se llama coca y crece principalmente aquí

Mass culture is mainly the product of television.

La televisión es la principal productora de cultura en masa.

Our teacher mainly teaches us how to work.

Nuestro maestro principalmente nos enseña a trabajar.

And Andrea says mainly if they are collect calls

Y Andrea dice, sobre todo si son por cobro revertido

The whale shark's life is mainly a solitary one.

La vida del tiburón ballena es principalmente solitaria.

Most college students use computers mainly for writing papers.

La mayoría de los estudiantes universitarios usan las computadoras principalmente para escribir artículos.

This disease affects mainly on the central nervous system.

Esta enfermedad afecta principalmente al sistema nervioso central.

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

La lluvia en España cae principalmente sobre la llanura.

Alzheimer's disease affects mainly people older than 60 years.

El Mal de Alzheimer afecta principalmente a personas mayores de 60 años.

- His trouble was chiefly mental.
- His illness was mainly psychological.

Su enfermedad era algo mental principalmente.

Why banking arises in Northern Italy? Mainly for two reasons:

¿por qué la banca surge en el norte de Italia? Principalmente por dos razones: la

I know your question, Ben, was mainly for social media,

Sé tu pregunta, Ben, fue principalmente para las redes sociales,

- He was mainly interested in the origin and development of the universe.
- He was mainly interested in the origin of the universe and evolution.

Él estaba interesado fundamentalmente en el origen del universo y la evolución.

Climate changes that will mainly affect forests. How do we survive?

los cambios climáticos que afectarán principalmente a los bosques. ¿Cómo sobrevivimos?

But...¿why doesn't it work? mainly because there is no compromise.

Pero..¿Por qué no funciona? Pues fundamentalmente porque no hay compromiso.

He was mainly interested in the origin and development of the universe.

Estaba interesado sobre todo en el origen y desarrollo del universo.

That type of temple influenced all of the Middle East, mainly Egypt.

Ese tipo de templo influenció todo el Medio Este, principalmente Egipto.

It is also called laughing gas, just as methane is mainly produced by

también se le llama gas de la risa, al igual que el metano se produce principalmente mediante

This is useful mainly for disabled people, people with illnesses, and the elderly.

Es útil principalmente para discapacitados, personas con enfermedades y los ancianos.

mainly in response to the influx of migrants attempting to get into Europe,

Esto se hizo principalmente como respuesta al creciente flujo de migrantes intentando llegar a Europa,

Pollutants like this derive mainly from the combustion of fuel in car engines.

Contaminantes como éste derivan principalmente de la quema de combustibles en motores de vehículos.

After a series of skirmishes mainly between light troops and cavalry, Caesar again diverted

Después de una serie de escaramuzas principalmente entre tropas ligeras y caballería, César volvió a desviarse

Experts say coffee prices are rising mainly because people are willing to pay more.

Los expertos declaran que los precios del café están subiendo fundamentalmente porque la gente está dispuesta a pagar más.

I have always believed that fruits are more beneficial than fruit juices mainly because they do not contain added sugar.

Siempre he pensado que la fruta es más sana que el zumo, sobre todo porque no contiene azúcar añadido.

- The Japanese live on rice and fish.
- The Japanese's basic diet consists of rice and fish.
- The basic Japanese diet consists mainly of rice and fish.

La dieta básica de los japoneses es arroz y pescado.

Fork-users are mainly in Europe, North America, and Latin America; chopstick-users in eastern Asia and finger-users in Africa, the Middle East, Indonesia, and India.

Las personas que usan tenedores mayormente son de Europa, América del Norte y Sur; los que usan palillos son del este de Asia y los que usan sus dedos son de África, Medio Oriente, Indonesia e India.