Translation of "Leopard" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Leopard" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

The leopard cannot change his spots.

- La cabra siempre tira al monte.
- El hijo de la gata, ratones mata.

Tom is as fast as a leopard.

Tom es tan rápido como un leopardo.

But the leopard, clearly panicked, has other ideas.

Pero el leopardo, claramente asustado, tenía otras ideas.

Mary was attacked by a leopard in Tanzania.

Mary fue atacada por un leopardo en Tanzania.

All are suggestions to ward off a leopard attack,

son sugerencias para evitar un ataque de leopardo.

By some miracle she was spared by the leopard,

Por algún milagro, el leopardo le perdonó la vida.

In the case of the Indian leopard, you get injured.

En caso del leopardo indio, sales herido.

- Once a thief, always a thief.
- A leopard never changes its spots.
- Only death cures all pain.
- A leopard never changes his spots.

Genio y figura, hasta la sepultura.

- A leopard cannot change his spots.
- What is bred in the bone will come out in the blood.
- A leopard never changes its spots.

La cabra tira al monte.

There were a 176 reported leopard attacks, nine of them fatal.

se reportaron 176 ataques de leopardos, nueve de ellos mortales.

He says he got injured because the leopard was irritated and excited.

Dice que resultó herido porque el leopardo estaba irritado y excitado.

[Sanjay] We have documented that about 17 people have been killed by leopard attack...

Hemos documentado que unas 17 personas han muerto por ataques de leopardo.

And by that time the leopard had jumped at me and pulled me down.

para entonces el leopardo saltó y me jaló hacia abajo.

History talks of the “man-eating leopard of Rudraprayag," a rogue from the 19th century

La historia habla del leopardo come-hombres de Rudraprayag, un pillo del siglo XIX,

It let me go and the leopard was trying to jump out of the compound.

Me soltó e intentó escapar del lugar.

This time a large male leopard on a rampage at a local school in the state’s capital, Bangalore.

Esta vez, un leopardo grande arrasó con una escuela local en la capital del estado, Bangalore.

I still can't believe they had a snow leopard in that zoo. I thought they were an endangered species.

Todavía no me creo que tuvieran un leopardo blanco en ese zoo, creía que estaban en peligro de extinción.

In the wild wilderness, a leopard mother caresses her cub, as Hagar did Ishmael; or a queen of France the dauphin.

En la jungla salvaje, una madre leopardo acaricia a su cría así como Hagar hizo a Ismael, o la reina de Francia al delfín.