Translation of "Insurgency" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Insurgency" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Thousands of Sunni Iraqi soldiers, angry and unemployed, join the insurgency.

Miles de soldados sunitas iraquíes, enojados y desempleados, se unen a la insurgencia.

He found an impossible situation – a widespread insurgency, and insufficient troops and supplies.

Encontró una situación imposible: una insurgencia generalizada y tropas y suministros insuficientes.

He also faced a guerrilla war in Aragon – a popular insurgency, driven by hatred of the

También enfrentó una guerra de guerrillas en Aragón, una insurgencia popular, impulsada por el odio al

But ISIS will respond by reverting to what it was before, as AQI: an insurgency and a

Pero el ISIS responderá volviendo a lo que era antes, como AQI: una insurgencia y un