Translation of "Hating" in Spanish

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Hating" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Hating someone is so easy.

Es tan fácil odiar a alguien.

Hating others is foreign to her.

Odiar a otros le es ajeno.

I don't blame you for hating me.

No te culpo por odiarme.

Because I started hating music, you know,

porque empecé a odiar la música;

If a terrorist can learn to stop hating

si un terrorista puede aprender a despojarse del odio

- I am hating this weather!
- I hate this weather.

Odio cuando el tiempo está así.

What about hating someone who isn't as enlightened as you?

¿Qué pasa si odiamos a alguien que no es tan tolerante como uno?

There is a highly dubious award for particularly dog-hating acts.

Hay un premio muy dudoso para los actos de odio hacia los perros.

None of us pops out of the womb hating black people or Republicans.

que nadie sale del útero odiando a los negros ni a los republicanos.

If you begin by sacrificing yourself to those you love, you will end by hating those to whom you have sacrificed yourself.

Si empezás a sacrificarte por aquellos que amás, terminarás odiando a aquellos por quienes te sacrificaste.