Translation of "Figured" in Spanish

0.021 sec.

Examples of using "Figured" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I figured.

Lo supuse.

It's what we figured.

Es lo que pensamos.

We've figured it out.

Sabemos cómo hacerlo.

- I figured something was up.
- I figured that something was up.

Me imaginé que algo estaba pasando.

- I figured you'd be here.
- I figured that you'd be here.

Me imaginé que estarías aquí.

I've figured out the puzzle.

He entendido el rompecabezas.

I figured it out alone.

Lo he resuelto solo.

- I figured I had enough money.
- I figured that I had enough money.

Me dí cuenta que tenía dinero suficiente.

- That's something I hadn't figured on.
- That's something I hadn't figured that on.

No había contado con eso.

When I figured what was happening

Cuando supe lo que estaba pasando

And we figured it out together.

Y juntos conseguimos la manera.

We easily figured out the password.

Descubrimos la contraseña con facilidad.

Tom finally figured out the problem.

Finalmente, Tom entendió el problema.

Sami figured that out pretty quickly.

Sami pudo explicárselo bastante rápido.

- I figured you might be busy now.
- I figured that you might be busy now.

Me imaginé que estarías ocupado ahora.

We figured out how to make insulin.

Descubrimos cómo crear insulina.

Tom actually figured it out by himself.

Tom de hecho lo descifró por sí solo.

I just figured out who you are.

Acabo de averiguar quién eres.

I think I have it figured out.

Creo que tengo todo resuelto.

I figured you might be busy now.

Me imaginé que estarías ocupado ahora.

Figured it's the least I could do.

Pensé que era lo mínimo que podía hacer.

- I thought you had it all figured out.
- I thought that you had it all figured out.

Pensé que lo tenías todo resuelto.

Well, I figured out how to do it.

Pues descubrí cómo hacerlo.

Tom figured out why the machine wasn't working.

Tom descifró por qué la máquina no estaba funcionando.

Once you've figured out their most popular pages,

Una vez que has descubierto sus páginas más populares,

- I figured you might know why Tom left early.
- I figured that you might know why Tom left early.

Creí que sabrías porque Tom se fue temprano.

We figured out that I could play the violin

averiguamos que podría tocar el violín

If you haven't figured out that that is satire,

Si no se han dado cuenta de que eso es una sátira,

Tom finally figured out what he'd been doing wrong.

Tom finalmente se dio cuenta de lo que había estado haciendo mal.

Tom finally figured out where the treasure was hidden.

Finalmente Tom descubrió dónde estaba el tesoro escondido.

Once you've figured out which posts have the less

Una vez que has descubierto qué publicaciones tienen menos

Now that you've figured out who to go after,

Ahora que has figurado a quién ir después,

And I figured that's going to be the perfect place

y me pareció que sería el lugar perfecto

Elliot had figured out that my brown skin is called "black,"

Elliot había deducido que mi piel marrón se llama "negra",

- I figured you wouldn't want to drink coffee so late at night.
- I figured that you wouldn't want to drink coffee so late at night.

Supuse que no querrías beber café tan tarde por la noche.

- I assume you're telling me now because you figured I'd find out anyway.
- I assume that you're telling me now because you figured that I'd find out anyway.
- I assume you're telling me now because you figured that I'd find out anyway.
- I assume that you're telling me now because you figured I'd find out anyway.

Asumo que me lo dices ahora porque dedujiste que lo averiguaría de cualquier forma.

Because I figured if they could figure out how to escape hate,

porque pensé que si ellos pudieron encontrar la manera de escapar al odio,

- I thought Tom would be older.
- I figured Tom would be older.

Pensaba que Tom sería más mayor.

I assume you're telling me now because you figured I'd find out anyway.

Asumo que me lo dices ahora porque dedujiste que lo averiguaría de cualquier forma.

I had finally figured out how I was going to help my little brother.

finalmente había resuelto cómo ayudar a mi hermano menor.

I figured if I quit the Internet, which is using all of my time,

Pensé que si dejaba Internet, que empleaba todo mi tiempo,

Tom eventually figured out how to install a free database application on his computer.

- Tom eventualmente descubrió como instalar una aplicación libre de bases de datos en su computador.
- Tom finalmente descubrió cómo instalar una aplicación de base de datos gratuita en su computadora.

But by the time I was two years old, I had figured it all out.

Pero a los dos años ya lo había descifrado.

I figured that once I got a contract, the industry would open up for me.

Supuse que si firmaba un contrato, la industria me abriría las puertas.

Who figured out how to get the cannon through  the mountain passes using man-hauled sledges.

quien descubrió cómo hacer que el cañón atravesara los pasos de montaña utilizando trineos tirados por hombres.

And I figured out that that 'no' I was so scared of facing in the future,

y me di cuenta de que ese "no" que tanto temía encontrar en mi futuro,

But a few years ago people figured out how to hack into some insulin pumps and turn

Pero hace unos años, la gente descubrió cómo piratear algunas bombas de insulina

I want a man, not an immature asshole who hasn't figured out what he wants out of life.

Yo quiero un hombre, no un pendejo inmaduro que todavía no sabe lo que quiere de la vida.

Tom, it's about time you figured out how to do this by yourself. I'll show you one last time.

Tom, usted debería haber aprendido a hacer esto por su cuenta. Yo le mostraré una última vez.

The ruling class has figured out that a happy and productive population with free time on their hands is a danger.

La clase dominante ha supuesto que una feliz y productiva población con tiempo libre disponible es un peligro.

I was going to start writing to you yesterday after dinner, when I figured I would have some peace and quiet, but I couldn't.

Iba a empezar a escribirte ayer después de la cena, cuando pensé que tendría un rato de tranquilidad, pero no pude.