Translation of "Chalk" in Spanish

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Chalk" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

That chalk isn't yellow.

Esa no es tiza amarilla.

Give me a piece of chalk.

- Dadme un trozo de tiza.
- Deme un trozo de tiza.

Give me three pieces of chalk.

- Dadme tres trozos de tiza.
- Deme tres trozos de tiza.

Bring me a piece of chalk.

Tráeme un trozo de tiza.

Give me two pieces of chalk.

Dame dos tizas.

Bring me two pieces of chalk.

Traeme dos pedazos de tiza.

- It is not easy to write in chalk.
- It is not easy to write with chalk.

No es fácil escribir con tiza.

He took out a piece of chalk.

Él sacó un trozo de tiza.

Please bring me two pieces of chalk.

Por favor tráigame dos tizas.

Her face was the color of chalk.

Su cara estaba pálida.

It is not easy to write in chalk.

- No es fácil escribir con una tiza.
- No es fácil escribir con tiza.

That is not a yellow piece of chalk.

Eso no es un trozo de tiza amarilla.

Children are drawing on the pavement with chalk.

Los niños están dibujando con tiza en el pavimento.

Tom and his brother are like chalk and cheese.

Tom y su hermano son como el día y la noche.

Please go and get me three pieces of chalk.

- Por favor, ve a buscarme tres tizas.
- Por favor, tráeme tres tizas.

Take this piece of chalk and write on the blackboard.

Toma este trozo de tiza y escribe en la pizarra.

The teacher sent me to find out if you had chalk.

La maestra me mandó para averiguar si tenía una tiza.

What I can't bear is the sound of chalk squeaking on a chalkboard.

Lo que no puedo soportar es el sonido de la tiza chirriando en una pizarra.

- That's by far his most interesting novel.
- That's his most interesting novel by a long chalk.

Esta es lejos la más interesante de sus novelas.

- You're comparing chalk and cheese!
- You're comparing apples and oranges!
- You are comparing apples and oranges.

Estás comparando peras con manzanas.