Translation of "Ballet" in Spanish

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Ballet" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

My sister loves ballet.

Mi hermana ama el ballet.

Why was I doing ballet?

¿Por que hacía ballet?

I should have continued ballet.

Ojalá hubiera continuado con el ballet.

Tom is a ballet dancer.

Tomás es bailarín de ballet.

When training for my ballet career,

Al entrenar para mi carrera de ballet,

Went to the Australian Ballet School,

fui a la Escuela de Ballet de Australia,

I don't know anything about ballet.

No sé nada sobre el ballet.

She invited me to the ballet.

Ella me invitó al ballet.

Ballet gave me wisdom, focus and discipline,

El ballet me dio la sabiduría, el enfoque y la disciplina,

I consider the Russian ballet the greatest.

Para mí el ballet ruso es el más grandioso.

She earns her living as a ballet dancer.

Ella se gana el pan como bailarina de ballet.

At 12, I met my ballet coach, Whatmora Casey.

A los doce años, conocí a mi profesor de ballet, Whatmora Casey.

And performed with a professional ballet company in Austria.

y bailé con una compañía profesional de ballet en Austria.

Moving to Austria to then dance with the ballet company,

Al mudarme a Austria para bailar con la compañía de ballet,

Only to realize that ballet is not my true vocation,

solo para darme cuenta que el ballet no es mi verdadera vocación,

At 18, I trained with a professional ballet company in Austria.

A los 18 años entrené con una compañía profesional de ballet en Austria.

And then graduated into a career of ballet and contemporary dance,

y me gradué en la carrera de ballet contemporáneo,

One year later, I returned to ballet after a remarkably fast recovery,

Un año después, regresé al ballet después de una recuperación notablemente rápida,

I was training in New York City at the American Ballet Theater

estaba entrenando en Nueva York en el American Ballet Theater

And I set up to audition for ballet companies around the world.

y me comprometí para hacer una audición para compañias alrededor el mundo.

When I was 17, I got a contract to the Birmingham Royal Ballet

Cuando tenía 17, me contrataron para el Birmingham Royal Ballet

There's a new ballet troupe, I read about in a magazine, I’ll find it."

para gente de 40 años, lo vi en una revista."

We were doing a normal ballet class - just like an hour and a half -

Estábamos haciendo una clase normal ballet de una hora y media

I realized I was doing ballet for others, and it wasn't my passion anymore.

me dí cuenta que hacía ballet para otros, y no era más mi pasión.

“Where were you on the night of the murder?” “I was attending my ballet class!”

“¿Dónde estabas la noche del asesinato?” “¡Estaba asistiendo a mi clase de ballet!”.

Because I finally felt like I had the time to step away from the ballet bubble

Porque finalmente tenía tiempo para distanciarse del ballet