Translation of "Ally" in Spanish

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Ally" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

ally of Armenia.

aliado de Armenia.

Let's ally ourselves to that group.

Aliémonos con ese grupo.

And I could have used an ally.

Me hubiera venido bien un aliado.

Tom is my ally at the company.

Tom es mi aliado en la compañía.

Germany was once an ally of Italy.

Alemania alguna vez fue aliado de Italia.

I'll remain your ally no matter what happens.

Yo seré tu aliado pase lo que pase.

"If you keep doing what Daniel Ally is doing,

"Si sigues haciendo lo que hace Daniel Ally,

Spain was still a French ally, but in May,  

España seguía siendo un aliado de Francia, pero en mayo,

I want to be your ally, not your enemy.

Quiero ser tu aliado, no tu enemigo.

Or will it ally itself and its fast-growing population

o decidirá aliarse a sí misma y a su creciente población

The Roman ally captures three Carthaginian ships and their crews.

El aliado romano captura tres navíos cartagineses y sus tripulaciones.

You are going to end up where Daniel Ally is going."

terminarás donde Daniel Ally está yendo."

The waning light is a hunter's ally. Wildebeest dare not sleep.

La luz menguante es la aliada del cazador. El ñu no se atreve a dormir.

On that note he's found an ally in the White House.

En esa nota él ha encontrado un aliado en la Casa Blanca.

While returning to Norway with his new ally, the enemy coalition is spotted, lying in wait.

Al volver a Noruega con su nuevo aliado, se divisa la coalición enemiga, esperando.

- I'll stand by you no matter what happens.
- I'll remain your ally no matter what happens.

Yo seré tu aliado pase lo que pase.

And the US secured an ally against the Soviet Union in the heat of the cold war.

y EEUU se aseguró un aliado contra la Unión Soviética en plena guerra fría.

Betrayed by his ally, Olaf faces a fleet of 71 ships with only 11 ships of his own.

Traicionado por su aliado, Olaf enfrenta a una flota de 71 barcos con tan sólo 11 navíos propios.

So, as we see, the banks have been always the great ally and yet the great enemy of power.

Así que, como vemos, la banca ha sido siempre el gran aliado y el gran enemigo