Translation of "“is" in Spanish

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "“is" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Life is beautiful.
- Life is sweet.
- Life is enjoyable.
- Life is wonderful.
- Life is great.

- La vida es bella.
- La vida es maravillosa.
- La vida es hermosa.

- That's the way it is.
- That's how it is.
- This is how it is.
- It is how it is.

Así es.

- Speech is silver, but silence is golden.
- Speech is silver, silence is gold.
- Speech is silver, silence is golden.

- La palabra es plata y el silencio oro.
- Más vale callar que mal hablar.
- Si la palabra es plata, el silencio es oro.

- Is he sleeping?
- Is she sleeping?
- Is he asleep?
- Is she asleep?

¿Está durmiendo?

- Life is beautiful.
- Life is sweet.
- Life is enjoyable.
- Life is wonderful.

La vida es bella.

- How is it? Is it alright?
- How is it? Is it enough?

- ¿Qué tal? ¿Está bien?
- ¿Qué tal? ¿Es suficiente?

- He is ill.
- He is sick.
- She is sick.
- She is ill.

- Él está enfermo.
- Ella está enferma.

- Is that Tom?
- Is this Tom?
- Is he Tom?
- Is it Tom?

¿Es ese Tom?

- Life is easy, death is cheap.
- Living is easy, dying is cheap.

Vivir es fácil, morir es barato.

That is: "Where is everybody?"

esto es, ¿dónde están todos?

Question is: How fine is

Y la pregunta es, ¿os parece bien que el

It is how it is.

Es como tiene que ser.

It is what it is.

Es lo que es.

It is like it is.

Es lo que hay.

That is why what is coming now is deliberately

Es por eso que lo que viene ahora es deliberadamente

- Is anybody here?
- Is somebody there?
- Is someone there?

¿Hay alguien?

- Is that true?
- Is it true?
- Is this correct?

- ¿Es verdad?
- ¿De verdad?

- Is it yours?
- Is this yours?
- Is that yours?

- ¿Es suyo esto?
- ¿Es vuestro?

- Is this love?
- Is it love?
- Is that love?

¿Eso es amor?

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

La guerra es paz. La libertad es esclavitud. La ignorancia es fuerza.

- Is it bad?
- Is it serious?
- Is it important?

¿Es grave?

- Is it possible?
- Is that possible?
- Is this possible?

¿Es posible?

- This is unusual.
- This is weird.
- This is strange.

- Esto es raro.
- Esto es extraño.

- Here she is!
- Here he is!
- There she is!

¡Ahí está!

Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed.

Nada se pierde, nada se crea, todo se transforma.

- Is that true?
- Is it true?
- Is that real?

- ¿Es verdad?
- ¿Es cierto?

- Life is hard.
- Life is tough.
- Life is difficult.

- La vida es dura.
- La vida es difícil.

- Where is it?
- Where is he?
- Where is she?

- ¿Dónde está?
- ¿Dónde está él?

- Everything is OK.
- Everything is fine.
- All is well.

- Todo va bien.
- Todo está bien.
- Todo está correcto.

- Tom is indecisive.
- Tom is uncertain.
- Tom is undecided.

Tom es indeciso.

- Is this legal?
- Is this cool?
- Is this nice?

¿Esto es legal?

- Tom is baffled.
- Tom is indecisive.
- Tom is perplexed.

Tom está confundido.

- Tom is fascinated.
- Tom is intrigued.
- Tom is mesmerized.

Tom está fascinado.

- Tom is careful.
- Tom is thorough.
- Tom is meticulous.

Tom es meticuloso.

- Tom is insensitive.
- Tom is numb.
- Tom is unmoved.

Tom es insensible.

- Is Tom crazy?
- Is Tom mad?
- Is Tom nuts?

- ¿Tom está loco?
- ¿Está loco Tom?

- This is good.
- This is nice.
- This is OK.

Esto está bien.

- Is that true?
- Is this true?
- Is that right?

¿Es verdad?

- Christmas is soon.
- Christmas is coming.
- Christmas is approaching.

La Navidad se acerca.

- Where is this?
- Where is it?
- Where is that?

¿Dónde está?

- Is she sleeping?
- Is he asleep?
- Is she asleep?

- ¿Está durmiendo?
- ¿Está dormida?

- All is quiet.
- All is still.
- Everything is quiet.

Todo está en calma.

- Is this enough?
- Is it enough?
- Is that enough?

- ¿Es suficiente?
- ¿Vale con esto?
- ¿Alcanza con esto?
- ¿Basta con esto?

- Is this legal?
- Is it legal?
- Is that legal?

¿Esto es legal?

- Tom is shaking.
- Tom is shivering.
- Tom is trembling.

Tom está temblando.

- Is this true?
- Is this accurate?
- Is that about right?
- Is this correct?

- ¿Esto es correcto?
- ¿Eso es correcto?

- Is this real?
- Is it real?
- Is it the truth?
- Is that genuine?

- ¿Esto es real?
- ¿Esto es auténtico?

- Is this thing edible?
- Is THIS edible?
- Is that edible?
- Is this edible?

¿Esto es comestible?

- Christmas is soon.
- Christmas is coming.
- Christmas is approaching.
- Christmas is drawing near.

La Navidad se acerca.

- Speech is silver, but silence is golden.
- Speech is silver, silence is gold.

La palabra es plata y el silencio oro.

- Is that true?
- Is it true?
- Is this true?
- Is that really true?
- Is it the truth?

- ¿Es verdad?
- ¿Eso es verdad?

- Tom is smart.
- Tom is intelligent.
- Tom's smart.
- Tom is bright.
- Tom is clever.
- Tom is sharp.

Tom es inteligente.

- Is she all right?
- Is he all right?
- Is he alright?
- Is she alright?
- Is she okay?

¿Está bien?

- Is anybody here?
- Is somebody there?
- Anybody here?
- Anybody in here?
- Is there anyone here?
- Is anyone here?
- Is somebody here?
- Is someone there?
- Is anybody in here?
- Is anyone around?
- Is someone here?

¿Hay alguien aquí?

- Is Tom doing okay?
- Is Tom all right?
- Is Tom OK?
- Is Tom well?
- Is Tom doing OK?
- Is everything OK with Tom?
- Is Tom alright?

- ¿Tom está bien?
- ¿Está bien Tom?

- Speech is silver, but silence is golden.
- Speech is silver, silence is gold.
- Speech is silver, silence is golden.
- Speech is worth silver, silence worth gold.

- La palabra es plata y el silencio oro.
- Más vale callar que mal hablar.

- That is all right.
- Everything is OK.
- Everything is fine.
- All is well.
- Everything's OK.
- Everything is good.

Todo está bien.

- Winter is drawing on.
- Winter is coming on.
- Winter is approaching.
- Winter is coming.
- Winter is coming soon.

El invierno se acerca.

- Everything is OK.
- Everything is fine.
- All is well.
- Everything is alright.
- Everything's fine.

- Todo va bien.
- Todo está bien.

- Is that true?
- Really?
- Is it true?
- Is this true?
- Is it the truth?

¿Es verdad?

- Here is your dog. Where is mine?
- This dog is yours. Where is mine?

Aquí está tu perro. ¿Dónde está el mío?

- Everyone's asleep.
- Everybody is asleep.
- Everybody is sleeping.
- Everyone is sleeping.
- Everyone is asleep.

Todos están dormidos.

- Tom is confused.
- Tom's confused.
- Tom is baffled.
- Tom is disturbed.
- Tom is puzzled.

Tomás está confundido.

- Tom is intoxicated.
- Tom's drunk.
- Tom is hammered.
- Tom is smashed.
- Tom is drunk.

Tom está borracho.

It is true she is young, but she is wise.

Es cierto que es joven, pero también es sabia.

He is rich, what is more, he is well-bred.

Él es rico. Además tiene buena educación.

- This is unacceptable.
- This is intolerable.
- This is not acceptable.

Esto es inaceptable.

- Food is good.
- Eating is good.
- The food is good.

La comida es buena.

- Everything is fine.
- All is well.
- Everything is going well.

Todo va bien.

Sugar is sweet, lemon is sour... and what is bitter?

El azúcar es dulce, el limón ácido... pero ¿qué es lo que es amargo?

- "Is she young?" "Yes, she is."
- "Is she young?" "Yes."

"¿Ella es joven?" "Sí."

- Solitude is nice.
- Being alone is nice.
- Solitude is pleasant.

La soledad es agradable.

- Is he Japanese?
- Is she Japanese?
- Is he from Japan?

¿Es él japonés?

- Tom is a nutter.
- Tom is deranged.
- Tom's crazy.
- Tom's insane.
- Tom is crazy.
- Tom is nuts.
- Tom is insane.
- Tom is a madman.
- Tom is a nut.

Tom está chiflado.

This is what focus is about.

De esto trata la concentración.

What this is, is so straightforward.

Es una ciencia de vanguardia.

Is that liberal democracy is broken.

es que la democracia liberal está rota.

This is how it is fastened.

Así es como se sujeta.

Everything is new, everything is modern.

todo es nuevo, todo es moderno.

- Life is sweet.
- Life is fun.

La vida es divertida.

- Here he is!
- He is here!

¡Él está aquí!

- That is surprising.
- This is surprising.

Es sorprendente.

- Business is business.
- Business is business!

Los negocios son los negocios.

- Everyone is ready.
- Everybody is ready.

Todos están listos.

It is hers, is it not?

Es suyo, ¿verdad?

- Everything is over.
- All is over.

Se acabó todo.

"She is lovely." "So she is."

"Es muy guapa." "Sí que lo es."

"Who is he?" "He is Jim."

- "¿Quién es él?" "Es Jim."
- "¿Quién es?" "Es Jim."